## **Overview**
Provides structures and functions for managing application bundles and obtaining application information.
You can use functions provided by this module to install, update, or uninstall an application, obtain [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) and [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) about an application, and obtain the bundle name of an application based on the application's user ID \(UID\).
## **Summary**
## Files
Declares structures and functions for managing ability information. | |
Declares error codes returned by bundle management functions. | |
Declares structures and functions for managing application bundle information. | |
Declares functions used for managing application bundles and obtaining bundle information. | |
Declares the structure that defines the required information for querying AbilityInfo, including the device ID, bundle name, and class name, and functions for setting such information. | |
Declares structures and functions for managing HAP package information. |
## Data Structures
Defines the ability information. | |
Defines the bundle information. | |
Defines the ability information. | |
Defines the metadata information in a ModuleInfo object. | |
## Typedefs
InstallerCallback) (const uint8_t resultCode, const void *resultMessage) | Called when an application is installed, updated, or uninstalled. |
## Enumerations
## Functions
ClearAbilityInfo (AbilityInfo *abilityInfo) | Clears an AbilityInfo object. |
ClearBundleInfo (BundleInfo *bundleInfo) | Clears a BundleInfo object. |
RegisterCallback (BundleStatusCallback *BundleStatusCallback) | Registers a callback to monitor the installation, update, and uninstallation state changes of an application. |
Unregisters a callback previously registered for monitoring the installation, update, and uninstallation state changes of an application. | |
Install (const char *hapPath, const InstallParam *installParam, InstallerCallback installerCallback) | Installs or updates an application. |
Uninstall (const char *bundleName, const InstallParam *installParam, InstallerCallback installerCallback) | |
QueryAbilityInfo (const Want *want, AbilityInfo *abilityInfo) | Queries the AbilityInfo of an ability based on the information carried in the Want structure. |
GetBundleInfo (const char *bundleName, int32_t flags, BundleInfo *bundleInfo) | Obtains the BundleInfo of an application based on the specified bundle name. |
GetBundleInfos (const int flags, BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len) | Obtains the BundleInfo of all bundles in the system. |
QueryKeepAliveBundleInfos (BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len) | Obtains the BundleInfo of all keep-alive applications in the system. |
GetBundleInfosByMetaData (const char *metaDataKey, BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len) | Obtains the BundleInfo of application bundles based on the specified MetaData. |
GetBundleNameForUid (int32_t uid, char **bundleName) | Obtains the bundle name of an application based on the specified UID. |
ClearElement (ElementName *element) | Clears the internal data of a specified ElementName. |
SetElementDeviceID (ElementName *element, const char *deviceId) | Sets the device ID used to query AbilityInfo. |
SetElementBundleName (ElementName *element, const char *bundleName) | Sets the bundle name used to query AbilityInfo. |
SetElementAbilityName (ElementName *element, const char *abilityName) | Sets the class name of the ability used to query AbilityInfo. |
ClearModuleInfo (ModuleInfo *moduleInfo) | Clears a ModuleInfo object. |
## **Details**
## **Typedef Documentation**
## InstallerCallback
typedef void(* InstallerCallback) (const uint8_t resultCode, const void *resultMessage)
Called when an application is installed, updated, or uninstalled.
This function can be registered through [Install](BundleManager.md#gaf1f1521a64cc98f076b0082df6c0abdd) and [Uninstall](BundleManager.md#gaa117e44378315a61b4e71fd252b2e496) to receive the installation, update, and uninstallation result.
resultCode | Indicates the status code returned for the application installation, update, or uninstallation result. For details, see AppexecfwkErrors. |
resultMessage | Indicates the result message returned with the status code. |
## **Enumeration Type Documentation**
## AbilityType
enum [AbilityType](BundleManager.md#ga44b675d687acff3d739404c1227b4259)
Enumerates types of templates used by an ability.
PAGE | |
## AppexecfwkErrors
enum [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1)
Enumerates error codes provided by the Bundle Manager [Service](Service.md).
ERR_OK | The function is successfully called. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_QUERY_PARAMETER_ERROR | Incorrect parameter for querying AbilityInfo or BundleInfo. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_QUERY_NO_INFOS | No AbilityInfo or BundleInfo is found. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_QUERY_INFOS_INIT_ERROR | An error occurred when initializing BundleInfo or AbilityInfo during information query. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_OBJECT_NULL | The object or pointer is null. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an internal logic error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARAM_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to incorrect parameters. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_FILE_PATH_INVALID | Failed to install the application because the installation file path is invalid. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_FILE_NOT_EXISTS | Failed to install the application because the installation file does not exist. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_FILE_NAME | Failed to install the application because the installation file name is invalid. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_BAD_FILE | Failed to install the application due to incorrect file content. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_CREATE_FILE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a file creation error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_CREATE_CODE_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a file path creation error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_REMOVE_CODE_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a file path deletion error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_CREATE_PERMISSIONS_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application because an error occurred when creating the permission file directory. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_RENAME_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a path renaming error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_RENAME_FILE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a file renaming error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_REMOVE_DATA_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when removing the data path. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_CREATE_DATA_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when creating the data path. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_RECORD_INFO_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when recording installation information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_UID_AND_GID_BACKUP_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when backing up the UID and GID. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_CHOWN_DATA_DIR_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when changing ownership of the data directory. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE | Failed to install the application because an application of a later version has been installed. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_BUNDLE_NUMBER | Failed to install the application because the number of installed applications exceeds the maximum (30). This error code is available only to basic watches. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_STORE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when storing permission information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_FILE_DATA_INVALID | Failed to install the application due to invalid file data. This error code is available only to basic watches. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_INCOMPATIBLE_SIGNATURE | Failed to install the application due to unmatched signature used for version update. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_PROVISIONINFO | Failed to install the application due to unmatched provisioning information during signature verification. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_OPERATE_SIGNED_FILE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when processing the signature file. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_APP_SIGNATURE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when parsing the application signature. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_PROFILE_SIGNATURE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when parsing the file signature. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_SIGNATURE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an internal error during signature verification. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_SET_DEBUG_MODE_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to an error occurred when setting the signature verification mode. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_VENDOR_ERROR | Failed to parse the vendor information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR | Failed to parse the installation permission information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_DEVICE_CONFIG_ERROR | Failed to parse the device configuration. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_KEEPALIVE_ERROR | Failed to parse the isKeepAlive field of the application. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_MODULENAME_ERROR | Failed to parse the name field of the application's HAP package. The HAP information is encapsulated in a ModuleInfo object. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | Failed to parse the deviceType field of the application's HAP package. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_DISTRO_MODULENAME_ERROR | Failed to parse the moduleName field of the application's HAP package. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_DISTRO_DELIVERY_ERROR | Failed to parse the isDeliveryInstall field of the application's HAP package. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_METADATA_ERROR | Failed to parse the MetaData information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_NAME_ERROR | Failed to parse the class name of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_TYPE_ERROR | Failed to parse the template used by the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_ICONPATH_ERROR | Failed to parse the icon path of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_LABEL_ERROR | Failed to parse the label of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_DESCRIPTION_ERROR | Failed to parse the description of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_LAUNCHTYPE_ERROR | Failed to parse the startup mode of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ABILITY_VISIBLE_ERROR | Failed to parse the isVisible field of the ability. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed application label exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_VERSIONNAME_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed application version name exceeds the maximum length (127 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_METADATA_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed application metadata name exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_METADATA_VALUE_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed application metadata value exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_VENDOR_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed application vendor name exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_MODULENAME_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed HAP name exceeds the maximum length (31 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_ABILITYNAME_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed ability class name exceeds the maximum length (127 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_ABILITY_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed ability description exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXCEED_MAX_ABILITY_LABEL_LENGTH_ERROR | The parsed ability label exceeds the maximum length (255 bytes). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_EXTRACTOR_NOT_INIT | Failed to initialize the extractor. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_JS_DIR_ERROR | Failed to parse the JavaScript path. This error code is available only to basic watches. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_LABEL_RES_ERROR | Failed to parse the label resource. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_ICON_RES_ERROR | Failed to parse the icon resource. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_PARSE_DESCRIPTION_RES_ERROR | Failed to parse the description resource. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INSTALL_FAILED_SEND_REQUEST_ERROR | Failed to install the application due to a request sending error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to an internal error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_PARAM_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to incorrect input parameters. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_BUNDLE_NOT_EXISTS | Failed to uninstall the application because it does not exist. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_DELETE_DIRS_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to an error occurred when deleting the path. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_DELETE_RECORD_INFO_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to an error occurred when deleting the installation record. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_DELETE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to an error occurred when deleting the permission information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_BUNDLE_NOT_UNINSTALLABLE | Failed to uninstall the application because the application cannot be uninstalled. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_DELETE_UID_INFO_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to an error occurred when deleting the UID information. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_UNINSTALL_FAILED_SEND_REQUEST_ERROR | Failed to uninstall the application due to a request sending error. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_REGISTER_FAILED | Failed to register the callback. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER_FAILED | Failed to unregister the callback. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_GENERATE_LOCAL_SERVICEID_FAILED | Failed to generate a service ID for the current process. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_SERVICEID_TRANSMITTED_FAILED | Failed to transmit the service ID of the current process. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_NEVER_REGISTERED | The callback is never registered. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_OBTAIN_ALL_BUNDLE_FAILED | Failed to obtain the bundle names of all applications in the system. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_CALLBACK_GET_INSTALLTYPE_FAILED | Failed to obtain the installation type (installation or uninstallation). |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_NO_BUNDLENAME_FOR_UID | No bundle name associated with the UID is found. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_IPCIO_UNAVAILABLED | The IpcIo structure is unavailable. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_INVOKE_ERROR | An error occurred when calling the invoke function of the Bundle Manager Service. |
ERR_APPEXECFWK_PERMISSION_DENIED | The server that invokes the Bundle Manager Service does not have required permission. |
## LaunchMode
enum [LaunchMode](BundleManager.md#ga605d46d860e356a74db6842e66522854)
Enumerates startup modes of an ability.
SINGLETON | Singleton mode, allowing only one instance |
STANDARD | Standard mode, allowing multiple instances |
## **Function Documentation**
## ClearAbilityInfo\(\)
void ClearAbilityInfo ([AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) * abilityInfo)
Clears an [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) object.
This function clears and releases the memory occupied by the fields of the pointer type included in the specified [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) object.
abilityInfo | Indicates the pointer to the AbilityInfo object to clear. |
## ClearBundleInfo\(\)
void ClearBundleInfo ([BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) * bundleInfo)
Clears a [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) object.
This function clears and releases the memory occupied by the fields of the pointer type included in the specified [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) object.
bundleInfo | Indicates the pointer to the BundleInfo object to clear. |
## ClearElement\(\)
void ClearElement ([ElementName](ElementName.md) * element)
Clears the internal data of a specified **[ElementName](ElementName.md)**.
After [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) is queried, clear the internal data of an **[ElementName](ElementName.md)** if it is no longer required.
element | Indicates the pointer to the ElementName to clear. |
## ClearModuleInfo\(\)
void ClearModuleInfo ([ModuleInfo](ModuleInfo.md) * moduleInfo)
Clears a [ModuleInfo](ModuleInfo.md) object.
This function clears and releases the memory occupied by the fields of the pointer type included in the specified [ModuleInfo](ModuleInfo.md) object.
moduleInfo | Indicates the pointer to the ModuleInfo object to clear. |
## GetBundleInfo\(\)
uint8_t GetBundleInfo (const char * bundleName, int32_t flags, [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) * bundleInfo )
Obtains the [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) of an application based on the specified bundle name.
bundleName | Indicates the pointer to the name of the application bundle to query. |
flags | Specifies whether the obtained BundleInfo object can contain AbilityInfo. The value 1 indicates that it can contain AbilityInfo, and 0 indicates that it cannot. |
bundleInfo | Indicates the pointer to the obtained BundleInfo object. |
Before querying a [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) object, you should first call **memset** on the constructed [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) object so that each field in it can be properly initialized for carrying the obtained information.
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## GetBundleInfos\(\)
uint8_t GetBundleInfos (const int flags, [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) ** bundleInfos, int32_t * len )
Obtains the [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) of all bundles in the system.
flags | Specifies whether each of the obtained BundleInfo objects can contain AbilityInfo. The value 1 indicates that it can contain AbilityInfo, and 0 indicates that it cannot. |
bundleInfos | Indicates the double pointer to the obtained BundleInfo objects. |
len | Indicates the pointer to the number of BundleInfo objects obtained. |
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## GetBundleInfosByMetaData\(\)
uint8_t GetBundleInfosByMetaData (const char * metaDataKey, [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) ** bundleInfos, int32_t * len )
Obtains the [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) of application bundles based on the specified [MetaData](MetaData.md).
metaDataKey | Indicates the pointer to the metadata name in the MetaData. |
bundleInfos | Indicates the double pointer to the obtained BundleInfo objects. |
len | Indicates the pointer to the number of BundleInfo objects obtained. |
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## GetBundleNameForUid\(\)
uint8_t GetBundleNameForUid (int32_t uid, char ** bundleName )
Obtains the bundle name of an application based on the specified UID.
uid | Indicates the UID of the application to query. |
bundleName | Indicates the double pointer to the bundle name of the application. |
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## Install\(\)
bool Install (const char * hapPath, const InstallParam * installParam, [InstallerCallback](BundleManager.md#ga00f021e76d728d2d44e1a28887ccc3af) installerCallback )
Installs or updates an application.
hapPath | Indicates the pointer to the path for storing the OpenHarmony Ability Package (HAP) of the application to install or update. |
bundleCallback | Indicates the callback to be invoked for notifying the installation or update result. |
Returns **true** if this function is successfully called; returns **false** otherwise.
## QueryAbilityInfo\(\)
uint8_t QueryAbilityInfo (const [Want](Want.md) * want, [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) * abilityInfo )
Queries the [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) of an ability based on the information carried in the [Want](Want.md) structure.
want | Indicates the pointer to the Want structure used for querying the specified ability. |
abilityInfo | Indicates the pointer to the obtained AbilityInfo object. |
Before querying an [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) object, you should first call **memset** on the constructed [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md) object so that each field in it can be properly initialized for carrying the obtained information.
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## QueryKeepAliveBundleInfos\(\)
uint8_t QueryKeepAliveBundleInfos ([BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) ** bundleInfos, int32_t * len )
Obtains the [BundleInfo](BundleInfo.md) of all keep-alive applications in the system.
bundleInfos | Indicates the double pointer to the obtained BundleInfo objects. |
len | Indicates the pointer to the number of BundleInfo objects obtained. |
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## RegisterCallback\(\)
int32_t RegisterCallback (BundleStatusCallback * BundleStatusCallback)
Registers a callback to monitor the installation, update, and uninstallation state changes of an application.
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.
## SetElementAbilityName\(\)
bool SetElementAbilityName ([ElementName](ElementName.md) * element, const char * abilityName )
Sets the class name of the ability used to query [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md).
element | Indicates the pointer to the ElementName to set. |
abilityName | Indicates the pointer to the class name to set. |
Returns **true** if the setting is successful; returns **false** otherwise.
## SetElementBundleName\(\)
bool SetElementBundleName ([ElementName](ElementName.md) * element, const char * bundleName )
Sets the bundle name used to query [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md).
element | Indicates the pointer to the ElementName to set. |
bundleName | Indicates the pointer to the bundle name to set. |
Returns **true** if the setting is successful; returns **false** otherwise.
## SetElementDeviceID\(\)
bool SetElementDeviceID ([ElementName](ElementName.md) * element, const char * deviceId )
Sets the device ID used to query [AbilityInfo](AbilityInfo.md).
element | Indicates the pointer to the ElementName to set. |
deviceId | Indicates the pointer to the device ID to set. |
Returns **true** if the setting is successful; returns **false** otherwise.
## Uninstall\(\)
bool Uninstall (const char * bundleName, const InstallParam * installParam, [InstallerCallback](BundleManager.md#ga00f021e76d728d2d44e1a28887ccc3af) installerCallback )
Uninstalls an application.
bundleName | Indicates the pointer to the bundle name of the application to uninstall. |
bundleCallback | Indicates the callback to be invoked for notifying the uninstallation result. |
Returns **true** if this function is successfully called; returns **false** otherwise.
## UnregisterCallback\(\)
int32_t UnregisterCallback ()
Unregisters a callback previously registered for monitoring the installation, update, and uninstallation state changes of an application.
Returns [ERR\_OK](BundleManager.md#ggac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1aa26c163b80b1f6786ca81dadc14b00fb) if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in [AppexecfwkErrors](BundleManager.md#gac318d4f4dc0125e2367ea8c539770ed1) otherwise.