## **Overview**
Provides the capabilities of applying for and releasing shared memory in multimedia and graphics scenarios.
Provides shared memory for multimedia and graphics.
This module is used to apply for and release shared memory and is used by the multimedia and graphics modules across processes.
## **Summary**
## Files
## Data Structures
## Enumerations
## Functions
OHOS::IBufferConsumerListener::OnBufferAvailable ()=0 | Called to notify a consumer that a buffer is available for consumption. |
OHOS::Surface::CreateSurface () | static Surface * A constructor used to create a Surface object for consumers to use. |
A destructor used to delete the Surface instance. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetQueueSize (uint8_t queueSize)=0 | Sets the number of buffers that can be allocated to the surface. The default value is 1. The value range is [1, 10]. |
OHOS::Surface::GetQueueSize ()=0 | Obtains the number of surface buffers that can be allocated to the surface. The default value is 1. The value range is [1, 10]. |
OHOS::Surface::SetWidthAndHeight (uint32_t width, uint32_t height)=0 | Sets the width and height of the surface for calculating its stride and size. The default value range of width and height is (0,7680]. |
Obtains the width of the surface. | |
Obtains the height of the surface. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetFormat (uint32_t format)=0 | Sets the pixel format of the surface. For details, see ImageFormat. The default pixel format is IMAGE_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565. |
Obtains the pixel format of the surface. For details, see ImageFormat. The default pixel format is IMAGE_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetStrideAlignment (uint32_t strideAlignment)=0 | Sets the number of bytes for stride alignment. |
OHOS::Surface::GetStrideAlignment ()=0 | Obtains the number of bytes for stride alignment. By default, 4-byte aligned is used. |
Obtains the stride of the surface. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetSize (uint32_t size)=0 | Sets the size of the shared memory to allocate. |
Obtains the size of the shared memory to allocate. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetUsage (uint32_t usage)=0 | Sets the usage scenario of the buffer. Physically contiguous memory and virtual memory (by default) are supported. By default, virtual memory is allocated. |
Obtains the usage scenario of the buffer. Physically contiguous memory and virtual memory are supported. | |
OHOS::Surface::SetUserData (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0 | Sets surface user data, which is stored in the format of <key, value>. |
OHOS::Surface::GetUserData (const std::string &key)=0 | |
OHOS::Surface::RequestBuffer (uint8_t wait=0)=0 | virtual SurfaceBuffer * Obtains a buffer to write data. |
OHOS::Surface::FlushBuffer (SurfaceBuffer *buffer)=0 | Flushes a buffer to the dirty queue for consumers to use. |
OHOS::Surface::AcquireBuffer ()=0 | virtual SurfaceBuffer * |
OHOS::Surface::ReleaseBuffer (SurfaceBuffer *buffer)=0 | |
OHOS::Surface::CancelBuffer (SurfaceBuffer *buffer)=0 | Releases a buffer to the free queue. |
OHOS::Surface::RegisterConsumerListener (IBufferConsumerListener &listener)=0 | Registers a consumer listener. |
OHOS::Surface::UnregisterConsumerListener ()=0 | Unregisters the consumer listener. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetVirAddr () const =0 | Obtains the virtual address of shared memory for producers and consumers. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetPhyAddr () const =0 | Obtains the physical address of shared memory. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetSize () const =0 | Obtains the size of shared memory. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetSize (uint32_t size)=0 | Sets the size of shared memory. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetInt32 (uint32_t key, int32_t value)=0 | Sets an extra attribute value of the int32 type. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetInt32 (uint32_t key, int32_t &value)=0 | Obtains an extra attribute value of the int32 type. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetInt64 (uint32_t key, int64_t value)=0 | Sets an extra attribute value of the int64 type. |
OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetInt64 (uint32_t key, int64_t &value)=0 | Obtains an extra attribute value of the int64 type. |
## **Details**
## **Enumeration Type Documentation**
## BufferConsumerUsage
enum [OHOS::BufferConsumerUsage](Surface.md#ga16d4d4f73d748455e45924ffbdd1e891)
Enumerates shared memory usage scenarios, including physically contiguous memory and virtual memory.
## ImagePixelFormat
enum [OHOS::ImagePixelFormat](Surface.md#gaa191d6e3b92a0f527744d43e056ae025)
Enumerates a pixel format.
## **Function Documentation**
## AcquireBuffer\(\)
virtual [SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md)* OHOS::Surface::AcquireBuffer ()
Obtains a buffer.
Consumers can use this function to obtain the buffer placed in the dirty queue by producers. If there is no buffer in the queue, **nullptr** is returned.
Returns the pointer to the [SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md) object.
## CancelBuffer\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::CancelBuffer ([SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md) * buffer)
Releases a buffer to the free queue.
SurfaceBuffer | Indicates the pointer to the buffer to be released by producers. |
## CreateSurface\(\)
static [Surface](OHOS-Surface.md)* OHOS::Surface::CreateSurface ()
A constructor used to create a [Surface](Surface.md) object for consumers to use.
In multi-process scenarios, this function is provided for consumers to obtain buffers generated by producers for consumption. In single-process scenarios, this function can be used by both consumers and producers.
## FlushBuffer\(\)
virtual int32_t OHOS::Surface::FlushBuffer ([SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md) * buffer)
Flushes a buffer to the dirty queue for consumers to use.
SurfaceBuffer | Indicates the pointer to the buffer flushed by producers. |
Returns **0** if the operation is successful; returns **-1** otherwise.
## GetFormat\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetFormat ()
Obtains the pixel format of the surface. For details, see **ImageFormat**. The default pixel format is **IMAGE\_PIXEL\_FORMAT\_RGB565**.
Returns the pixel format.
## GetHeight\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetHeight ()
Obtains the height of the surface.
Returns the surface height, in pixels.
## GetInt32\(\)
virtual int32_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetInt32 (uint32_t key, int32_t & value )
Obtains an extra attribute value of the int32 type.
Obtains an extra attribute value of the int32 type, The extra attribute is stored in the format of
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair for which the value is to be obtained. |
value | Indicates the value of the key-value pair obtained. |
Returns **0** if the operation is successful; returns **-1** otherwise.
## GetInt64\(\)
virtual int32_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetInt64 (uint32_t key, int64_t & value )
Obtains an extra attribute value of the int64 type.
Obtains an extra attribute value of the int64 type, The extra attribute is stored in the format of
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair for which the value is to be obtained. |
value | Indicates the value of the key-value pair obtained. |
Returns **0** if the operation is successful; returns **-1** otherwise.
## GetPhyAddr\(\)
virtual uint64_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetPhyAddr () const
Obtains the physical address of shared memory.
Returns the physical address of shared memory.
## GetQueueSize\(\)
virtual uint8_t OHOS::Surface::GetQueueSize ()
Obtains the number of surface buffers that can be allocated to the surface. The default value is **1**. The value range is \[1, 10\].
Returns the number of buffers.
## GetSize\(\) \[1/2\]
virtual uint32_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetSize () const
Obtains the size of shared memory.
Returns the size of shared memory.
## GetSize\(\) \[2/2\]
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetSize ()
Obtains the size of the shared memory to allocate.
Returns the size of the shared memory.
## GetStride\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetStride ()
Obtains the stride of the surface.
Returns the stride.
## GetStrideAlignment\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetStrideAlignment ()
Obtains the number of bytes for stride alignment. By default, 4-byte aligned is used.
Returns the number of bytes for stride alignment.
## GetUsage\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetUsage ()
Obtains the usage scenario of the buffer. Physically contiguous memory and virtual memory are supported.
Returns the usage scenario of the buffer. For details, see **BUFFER\_CONSUMER\_USAGE**.
## GetUserData\(\)
virtual std::string OHOS::Surface::GetUserData (const std::string & key)
Obtains surface user data.
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair for which the value is to be obtained. |
Returns the value of the key-value pair obtained.
## GetVirAddr\(\)
virtual void* OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::GetVirAddr () const
Obtains the virtual address of shared memory for producers and consumers.
Returns the virtual address of shared memory.
## GetWidth\(\)
virtual uint32_t OHOS::Surface::GetWidth ()
Obtains the width of the surface.
Returns the surface width, in pixels.
## OnBufferAvailable\(\)
virtual void OHOS::IBufferConsumerListener::OnBufferAvailable ()
Called to notify a consumer that a buffer is available for consumption.
## RegisterConsumerListener\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::RegisterConsumerListener ([IBufferConsumerListener](OHOS-IBufferConsumerListener.md) & listener)
Registers a consumer listener.
When a buffer is placed in the dirty queue, **OnBufferAvailable** is called to notify consumers. If the listener is repeatedly registered, only the latest one is retained.
IBufferConsumerListener | Indicates the listener to register. |
## ReleaseBuffer\(\)
virtual bool OHOS::Surface::ReleaseBuffer ([SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md) * buffer)
Releases the consumed buffer.
After a consumer has used a [SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md) object, the consumer can release it through [ReleaseBuffer](Surface.md#ga4150c81248f516882ef120731d9abb66). The released object is placed into the free queue so that producers can apply for the object.
SurfaceBuffer | Indicates the pointer to the buffer released. |
Returns **true** if the buffer is released; returns **false** otherwise.
## RequestBuffer\(\)
virtual [SurfaceBuffer](OHOS-SurfaceBuffer.md)* OHOS::Surface::RequestBuffer (uint8_t wait = [/topic/body/section/screen/code
{""}) 0 (code])
Obtains a buffer to write data.
Returns the pointer to the buffer if the operation is successful; returns **nullptr** otherwise.
## SetFormat\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetFormat (uint32_t format)
Sets the pixel format of the surface. For details, see **ImageFormat**. The default pixel format is **IMAGE\_PIXEL\_FORMAT\_RGB565**.
format | Indicates the pixel format to be set. |
## SetInt32\(\)
virtual int32_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetInt32 (uint32_t key, int32_t value )
Sets an extra attribute value of the int32 type.
Sets an extra attribute value of the int32 type, The extra attribute is stored in the format of
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair to set. |
value | Indicates the value of the key-value pair to set. |
Returns **0** if the operation is successful; returns **-1** otherwise.
## SetInt64\(\)
virtual int32_t OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetInt64 (uint32_t key, int64_t value )
Sets an extra attribute value of the int64 type.
Sets an extra attribute value of the int64 type. The storage mode of the extra attribute is
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair to set. |
value | Indicates the value of the key-value pair to set. |
Returns **0** if the operation is successful; returns **-1** otherwise.
## SetQueueSize\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetQueueSize (uint8_t queueSize)
Sets the number of buffers that can be allocated to the surface. The default value is **1**. The value range is \[1, 10\].
queueSize | Indicates the number of buffers to set. |
## SetSize\(\) \[1/2\]
virtual void OHOS::SurfaceBuffer::SetSize (uint32_t size)
Sets the size of shared memory.
size | Indicates the size of shared memory to set. |
## SetSize\(\) \[2/2\]
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetSize (uint32_t size)
Sets the size of the shared memory to allocate.
size | Indicates the size of the shared memory. The value range is (0,58982400]. |
## SetStrideAlignment\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetStrideAlignment (uint32_t strideAlignment)
Sets the number of bytes for stride alignment.
By default, 4-byte aligned is used. The value range is \[4,32\].
strideAlignment | Indicates the number of bytes for stride alignment. |
## SetUsage\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetUsage (uint32_t usage)
Sets the usage scenario of the buffer. Physically contiguous memory and virtual memory \(by default\) are supported. By default, virtual memory is allocated.
usage | Indicates the usage scenario of the buffer. For details, see BUFFER_CONSUMER_USAGE. |
## SetUserData\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetUserData (const std::string & key, const std::string & value )
Sets surface user data, which is stored in the format of
key | Indicates the key of a key-value pair to store. |
value | Indicates the value of the key-value pair to store. |
## SetWidthAndHeight\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::SetWidthAndHeight (uint32_t width, uint32_t height )
Sets the width and height of the surface for calculating its stride and size. The default value range of width and height is \(0,7680\].
width | Indicates the surface width, in pixels. |
height | Indicates the surface height, in pixels. |
## UnregisterConsumerListener\(\)
virtual void OHOS::Surface::UnregisterConsumerListener ()
Unregisters the consumer listener.
After the listener is unregistered, no callback is triggered when a buffer is placed in the dirty queue.
## \~Surface\(\)
virtual OHOS::Surface::~Surface ()
A destructor used to delete the **[Surface](OHOS-Surface.md)** instance.
This function releases the surface and all buffers applied for the surface.