## **Overview**
**Related Modules:**
Declares codec-related APIs, including functions for initializing audio and video codecs, setting parameters, and controlling and transferring data.
## **Summary**
## Functions
CodecInit () | Initializes the internal audio and video submodules of the codec. |
CodecDeinit () | Deinitializes the internal audio and video submodules of the codec. |
CodecEnumerateCapbility (uint32_t index, CodecCapbility *cap) | Obtains the capabilities of a specified media type based on an index. |
CodecGetCapbility (AvCodecMime mime, CodecType type, uint32_t flags, CodecCapbility *cap) | Obtains the capabilities of a specified media type. |
CodecCreate (const char *name, const Param *attr, int len, CODEC_HANDLETYPE *handle) | Creates a specific codec component and returns the component context through a handle. |
CodecDestroy (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) | |
CodecSetPortMode (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, DirectionType type, BufferMode mode) | Sets the input or output buffer mode. |
CodecSetParameter (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, const Param *params, int paramCnt) | Sets parameters required by a codec component. |
CodecGetParameter (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, Param *params, int paramCnt) | Obtains parameters from a codec component. |
CodecStart (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) | |
CodecStop (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) | |
CodecFlush (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, DirectionType directType) | Clears the cache when the codec component is the running state. |
CodecQueueInput (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, const InputInfo *inputData, uint32_t timeoutMs) | |
CodecDequeInput (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, uint32_t timeoutMs, InputInfo *inputData) | Dequeues input data that has been used. |
CodecQueueOutput (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, OutputInfo *outInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs, int releaseFenceFd) | |
CodecDequeueOutput (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, uint32_t timeoutMs, int *acquireFd, OutputInfo *outInfo) | |
CodecSetCallback (CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, const CodecCallback *cb, UINTPTR instance) |