## **Overview**
Defines the kernel adaptation layer \(KAL\), which provides compatible interfaces across different types of OpenHarmony devices.
## **Summary**
## Files
Defines the kernel adaptation layer (KAL), which provides compatible interfaces across different types of OpenHarmony devices. |
## Data Structures
## Macros
Indicates the maximum length of a thread name. |
## Enumerations
KalTimerType { KAL_TIMER_ONCE = 0, KAL_TIMER_PERIODIC = 1 } | |
KalErrCode { KAL_OK = 0, KAL_ERR_PARA = 1, KAL_ERR_INNER = 2, KAL_ERR_TIMER_STATE = 0x100 } | Enumerates return values of the KAL function. |
## Functions
KalThreadGetInfo (unsigned int threadId, ThreadInfo *info) | |
KalDelayUs (unsigned int us) | |
KalTimerCreate (KalTimerProc func, KalTimerType type, void *arg, unsigned int ticks) | |
KalTimerStart (KalTimerId timerId) | |
KalTimerChange (KalTimerId timerId, unsigned int ticks) | Changes the duration of a timer. |
KalTimerStop (KalTimerId timerId) | |
KalTimerDelete (KalTimerId timerId) | |
KalTimerIsRunning (KalTimerId timerId) | Checks whether a timer is running. |
KalTickToMs (unsigned int ticks) | Converts system ticks into milliseconds. |
KalMsToTick (unsigned int millisec) | Converts milliseconds into system ticks. |
KalGetMemInfo (MemInfo *pmemInfo) |
## **Details**
## **Enumeration Type Documentation**
## KalErrCode
enum [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36)
Enumerates return values of the KAL function.
## KalTimerType
enum [KalTimerType](kal.md#gacde4b0c553c297f66311b87c4bbbb27d)
Enumerates timer types.
## **Function Documentation**
## KalDelayUs\(\)
void KalDelayUs (unsigned int us)
Delays a thread.
The delay unit is microsecond. The actual delay precision can reach only the tick level.
Indicates the number of microseconds to delay. The actual delay precision is one tick. |
## KalGetMemInfo\(\)
[KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36) KalGetMemInfo ([MemInfo](meminfo.md) * pmemInfo)
Obtains memory information.
Indicates the pointer to the memory information. |
Returns an enumerated value defined by [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36), where [KAL\_OK](kal.md#gga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36a249642877a22187565c646fcb4c43228) indicates a success.
## KalMsToTick\(\)
unsigned int KalMsToTick (unsigned int millisec)
Converts milliseconds into system ticks.
Indicates the milliseconds to convert. |
Returns the system ticks generated.
## KalThreadGetInfo\(\)
unsigned int KalThreadGetInfo (unsigned int threadId, [ThreadInfo](threadinfo.md) * info )
Obtains thread information.
Indicates the pointer to the buffer for storing the obtained thread information. |
Returns **0** if the thread information is obtained; returns a negative value otherwise.
## KalTickToMs\(\)
unsigned int KalTickToMs (unsigned int ticks)
Converts system ticks into milliseconds.
Indicates the number of ticks to convert. |
Returns the milliseconds generated.
## KalTimerChange\(\)
[KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36) KalTimerChange (KalTimerId timerId, unsigned int ticks )
Changes the duration of a timer.
The timer duration can be changed only before the timer is started.
Indicates the ID of the timer whose duration is to change, which is the value returned by KalTimerCreate. | |
Indicates the new duration of the timer. |
Returns an enumerated value defined by [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36), where [KAL\_OK](kal.md#gga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36a249642877a22187565c646fcb4c43228) indicates a success.
## KalTimerCreate\(\)
KalTimerId KalTimerCreate (KalTimerProc func, [KalTimerType](kal.md#gacde4b0c553c297f66311b87c4bbbb27d) type, void * arg, unsigned int ticks )
Creates a timer.
Indicates the entry to timer callback. The callback is triggered when the timer expires. | |
Indicates the pointer to the argument used in timer callback. | |
Indicates the duration of the timer to create. |
Returns the timer ID; returns **NULL** in the case of an error.
## KalTimerDelete\(\)
[KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36) KalTimerDelete (KalTimerId timerId)
Deletes a timer.
Indicates the ID of the timer to delete, which is the value returned by KalTimerCreate. |
Returns an enumerated value defined by [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36), where [KAL\_OK](kal.md#gga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36a249642877a22187565c646fcb4c43228) indicates a success.
## KalTimerIsRunning\(\)
unsigned int KalTimerIsRunning (KalTimerId timerId)
Checks whether a timer is running.
Indicates the ID of the timer to check, which is the value returned by KalTimerCreate. |
Returns **1** if the timer is running; returns **0** if the timer is not running or the input parameter is incorrect.
## KalTimerStart\(\)
[KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36) KalTimerStart (KalTimerId timerId)
Starts a timer.
Indicates the ID of the timer to start, which is the value returned by KalTimerCreate. |
Returns an enumerated value defined by [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36), where [KAL\_OK](kal.md#gga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36a249642877a22187565c646fcb4c43228) indicates a success.
## KalTimerStop\(\)
[KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36) KalTimerStop (KalTimerId timerId)
Stops a timer.
Indicates the ID of the timer to stop, which is the value returned by KalTimerCreate. |
Returns an enumerated value defined by [KalErrCode](kal.md#ga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36), where [KAL\_OK](kal.md#gga595e811b5dcad5dc834be507d6839c36a249642877a22187565c646fcb4c43228) indicates a success.
## **Variable Documentation**
## bottomOfStack
unsigned int ThreadInfo::bottomOfStack
Thread stack bottom
## currUsed
unsigned int ThreadInfo::currUsed
Current stack space usage
## eventMask
unsigned int ThreadInfo::eventMask
Thread event mask
## eventStru
unsigned int ThreadInfo::eventStru[3]
Thread event
## free
unsigned int MemInfo::free
Available space of the memory pool, in bytes
## freeLmp
unsigned int MemInfo::freeLmp
Available space of the small memory pool, in bytes
## freeNodeNum
unsigned int MemInfo::freeNodeNum
Number of available nodes in the memory pool
## id
unsigned int ThreadInfo::id
Thread ID
## mallocFailCount
unsigned int MemInfo::mallocFailCount
Number of memory allocation failures
## maxFreeNodeSize
unsigned int MemInfo::maxFreeNodeSize
Size of the largest available node in the memory pool, in bytes
## mepc
unsigned int ThreadInfo::mepc
Current thread MEPC
## mstatus
unsigned int ThreadInfo::mstatus
Current thread status
## name
char ThreadInfo::name[[KAL_TASK_NAME_LEN](kal.md#ga5c36b53bd6e8cbdbcd79f702eda94fdc)]
Thread name
## overflowFlag
unsigned int ThreadInfo::overflowFlag
Thread stack overflow flag
## peakUsed
unsigned int ThreadInfo::peakUsed
Peak stack space usage
## peekSize
unsigned int MemInfo::peekSize
Peak memory usage of the memory pool
## priority
unsigned short ThreadInfo::priority
Thread priority
## ra
unsigned int ThreadInfo::ra
Current thread RA
## sp
unsigned int ThreadInfo::sp
Thread stack pointer
## stackSize
unsigned int ThreadInfo::stackSize
Thread stack size
## status
unsigned short ThreadInfo::status
Thread status
## taskMutex
void* ThreadInfo::taskMutex
Thread mutex
## taskSem
void* ThreadInfo::taskSem
Thread semaphore
## topOfStack
unsigned int ThreadInfo::topOfStack
Thread stack top
## total
unsigned int MemInfo::total
Total space of the memory pool, in bytes
## totalLmp
unsigned int MemInfo::totalLmp
Total space of the small memory pool, in bytes
## tp
unsigned int ThreadInfo::tp
Current thread TP
## used
unsigned int MemInfo::used
Used space of the memory pool, in bytes
## usedLmp
unsigned int MemInfo::usedLmp
Used space of the small memory pool, in bytes
## usedNodeNum
unsigned int MemInfo::usedNodeNum
Number of used nodes in the memory pool