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02-15 16:56
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## [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock) k times like [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii)
_Note: This is a TLE version. `O(n^3)`. but, easier to understand_

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`day i` separates days into `0..i` and `i..end`.
just assume that you know max profit `k - 1` times for `0..i` day is `maxProfit(k - 1, 0..i)`.
such that
the max profit of buy and sell only once after `day i` is `maxProfit(k - 1, 0..i) + maxProfit(1, i..end)`.
just do as [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii),
brute force `i` to find the max profit.
maxProfit(k, m..n) = {

if k == 1 then
return call maxProfit1(m..n) // best buy and sell once
for i = 0 .. end
maxProfit(k - 1, m..i) + maxProfit(1, i..n)
when `k = 2`
the func becomes [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii)
return MAX {
for i = 0 .. end
maxProfit1(m..i) + maxProfit1(i..n) // m..i is left part and i..n is right part
## [Maximum Subarray](../maximum-subarray) like version
I dont like this because I dont think it is easy to understand.
However, this will reduce the time complexity from `O(n^3)` to `O(n^2)`.
### Start from [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock)
In the [Maximum Subarray](../maximum-subarray),
numbers are always added to the variable `history`.
when the `history` goes below zero, just drop it.
This is like you and a fool buy and sell stock together,
the fool buys and sells his stocks everyday.
Whenever the fool earns more money than you at `day i`,
you could act like fool to get to max profit from `day 0` to `day i`.
otherwise, just keep the max profit.
Sometimes, the fool may go broke, just change another fool.
Talk is cheap, show you the code
public int maxProfit(int[] prices) {

if(prices.length < 1) return 0;
int[] P = new int[prices.length]; // this is you
int[] H = new int[prices.length]; // this is that fool
// H is short for history like Maximum Subarray
for(int i = 1; i < prices.length; i++){
int p = prices[i] - prices[i - 1];
H[i] = Math.max(H[i - 1] + p, 0); // buy and sell
// max(H, 0) means when fool goes broke, just start from another
P[i] = Math.max(H[i], P[i - 1]); // if the fool earns more than you
// time to act like the fool to get max profit
return P[prices.length - 1];
### Extends to K times
just exntends P and H to 2d. `P[time][day]`
the only difference is change
H[j][i] = Math.max(H[j][i - 1] + p, 0);
H[j][i] = Math.max(H[j][i - 1] + p, P[j - 1][i - 1]);
that means the fool should act better than buy and sell `k - 1` times until `day i - 1` (`P[k - 1][i - 1]`),
or the fool should restart from `P[k - 1][i - 1]` in order to get better profit.
int[][] P = new int[k + 1][prices.length];
int[][] H = new int[k + 1][prices.length];
for(int j = 1; j <= k; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < prices.length; i++) {
int p = prices[i] - prices[i - 1];
H[j][i] = Math.max(H[j][i - 1] + p, P[j - 1][i - 1]);
P[j][i] = Math.max(H[j][i], P[j][i - 1]);
## Final cheat
I did some optimization to avoid TLE,
like caching the difference of `price i` and `price i - 1` into `D`.
but leetcode still reject my code.
I found some test cases is really big,
but can be got `O(n)` using [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](../best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-ii)
because `k > len(prices)`.
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