教材与参考资料 / 程序设计类 / 数据结构&算法 / 算法 / 面试与力扣题目详解 / Leetcode题目和解答 / java-leetcode / max-points-on-a-line
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## Something about line
* Two Distinct Point
* [Two-point form](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation#Two-point_form)
so a line should be like
Line { Point1, Point2 }
function check_on_line(l, p)
#check p on l using Two-point form
p1, p2 <- l
return (x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) == (y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x)
## Loop invariant to find all `Line` and their `point_count`s
Init: Build a collection(`C`) for `Line`s and put first `Line` with first two `Point` into it.
1. take a new `Point` p
1. `point_count++` to any `Line` in `C` with `p` on it
1. if p is not on any `Line` in `C`, create `Line`s with `p` and all former `Point`s
1. put new `Line`s into `C`
foreach p in input
on_some_line = False
foreach l in C
if check_on_line(l, c)
l.point_count = l.point_count + 1
on_some_line = True
if not on_some_line
foreach _p in input before p
l = build new Line with _p and p
add l to C
### Newly Built Line's point_count
It is wrong that newly built `Line.point_count = 0`. Because the new `Line l` may cross some `Line` in `C`,
and the cross point may be the in the input points.
In that case, the new `Line` should have its `point_count = count of former p on it` .
Patched `not on_some_line` block
if not on_some_line
foreach _p in input before p
l = build new Line with _p and p
l.point_count = count of point input before p on l
add l to C
## Finding max
Search `C` to find the max count.
* Two Distinct Point
* [Two-point form](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation#Two-point_form)
so a line should be like
Line { Point1, Point2 }
function check_on_line(l, p)
#check p on l using Two-point form
p1, p2 <- l
return (x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) == (y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x)
## Loop invariant to find all `Line` and their `point_count`s
Init: Build a collection(`C`) for `Line`s and put first `Line` with first two `Point` into it.
1. take a new `Point` p
1. `point_count++` to any `Line` in `C` with `p` on it
1. if p is not on any `Line` in `C`, create `Line`s with `p` and all former `Point`s
1. put new `Line`s into `C`
foreach p in input
on_some_line = False
foreach l in C
if check_on_line(l, c)
l.point_count = l.point_count + 1
on_some_line = True
if not on_some_line
foreach _p in input before p
l = build new Line with _p and p
add l to C
### Newly Built Line's point_count
It is wrong that newly built `Line.point_count = 0`. Because the new `Line l` may cross some `Line` in `C`,
and the cross point may be the in the input points.
In that case, the new `Line` should have its `point_count = count of former p on it` .
Patched `not on_some_line` block
if not on_some_line
foreach _p in input before p
l = build new Line with _p and p
l.point_count = count of point input before p on l
add l to C
## Finding max
Search `C` to find the max count.