以技术为导向的 PDF 集合,大量论文、规格说明、幻灯片、手册技术等资料
02-16 11:14
一个以技术为导向的 PDF 集合,包含了大量的技术文献,如论文、规格说明、幻灯片、手册等。这个项目旨在为开发者、研究人员以及技术爱好者提供一个高质量的文档资源库,帮助用户更方便地获取最新的技术资料和参考资料。
100G Networking Technology Overview - Slides - Toronto (August 2016).pdf
2018 CppCon Unwinding the Stack - Exploring how C++ Exceptions work on Windows - James McNellis.pdf
37 Million Compilations - Investigating Novice Programming Mistakes in Large-Scale Student Data (fp1187-altadmri).pdf
5-Level Paging and 5-Level EPT - Intel - Revision 1.0 (December, 2016).pdf
5-Level Paging and 5-Level EPT - Intel - Revision 1.1 (May, 2017).pdf
A Block-sorting Lossless Data Compression Algorithm - May 10th, 1994 (SRC-RR-124).pdf
A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks (neuronalenetze-en-zeta2-2col-dkrieselcom).pdf
A Brief Introduction to the Standard Annotation Language (SAL) - 2006.pdf
A Brief Tutorial on Database Queries, Data Mining, and OLAP (hamel-197-manuscript-final).pdf
A Case Study in Optimizing HTM-Enabled Dynamic Data Structures - Patricia Tries (2015).pdf
A Catalogue of Optimizing Transformations (1971-allen-catalog).pdf
A Comparison of Programming Languages in Economics (16-Jun-2014).pdf
A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization - Oct 2015 (asplos235_adams).pdf
A Compilation Target for Probabilistic Programming Languages - 2014 (paige14).pdf
A Comprehensive Study of Main-Memory Partitioning and its Application to Large-Scale Comparison- and Radix-Sort (sigmod14I).pdf
A Compressed Suffix Tree Based Implementation with Low Peak Memory Usage (2014).pdf
A Course in Machine Learning (ciml-v0_9-all).pdf
A Course of Pure Mathmatics (1921).pdf
A Crash Course in x86 Assembly for Reverse Engineers - SensePost (2014).pdf
A Detailed Analysis of the Component Object Model - 1989 (Muijadi_okstate_0664M_1681).pdf
A Dive in to Hyper-V Architecture and Vulnerabilities - Slides (BlackHat 2018).pdf
A Dive in to Hyper-V Architecture and Vulnerabilities.pdf
A Durable Main-Memory Index Using Flash.pdf
A Dynamic Perfect Hash Function Defined by an Extended Hash Indicator Table - 1984 (P245).PDF
A Family of Perfect Hashing Methods - 1996 (TR0242).pdf
A Fast x86 Implementation of Select - 2017 (1706.00990).pdf
A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm (1406.2294v1).pdf
A Faster Cutting Plane Method and its Implications for Combinatorial and Convex Optimization - MIT - 2015 (1508.04874).pdf
A Few Billion Lines of Code Later - Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World - ACM - 2010 (BLOC-coverity).pdf
A Few Experiments with Intel's Cache Allocation Technology - Slides (2015).pdf
A File Comparison Program - 1985 (
A File is Not a File - Understanding IO Behavior of Apple Desktop Applications (2011).pdf
A First Encounter with Machine Learning - 2011 (IntroMLBook).pdf
A Forensic Analysis of CSG 11 Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle.pdf
A Framework for Building Extensible C++ Class Libraries - 1993.pdf
A GPU-friendly Skiplist Algorith - 2014 (GPUSkiplist).pdf
A History of Modern 64-bit Computing - Feb 2007 (CSEP590A).pdf
A Journey in Creating an Operating System Kernel - The 539Kernel Book (Nov 2022).pdf
A Little Journey Inside Windows Memory.pdf
A Locality-Sensitive Hash for Real Vectors (
Azul Java - A Lock-Free Wait-Free Hash Table - 2021 (070221_LockFreeHash).pdf
A Look at Intel's Dataplane Development Kit (2014).pdf
A Malloc Tutorial (Feb 16, 2009).pdf
A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948).pdf
A Mathematician's Lament - Paul Lockhart.pdf
A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes - Huffman (1952).pdf
A NUMA API for Linux - Novell (2005).pdf
A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education.pdf
A Neural Probabilistic Language Model (bengio03a).pdf
A New Algorithm for Data Compression (1994).pdf
A New Basis for Shifters in General-Purpose Processors for Existing and Advanced Bit Manipulations - 2009 (IEEE_TC09_NewBasisForShifters).pdf
A Novel Hybrid Quicksort Algorithm Vectorized using AVX-512 on Intel Skylake (1704.08579).pdf
A Novel Hybrid Quicksort Algorithm Vectorized using AVX-512 on Intel Skylake - 2017 (Paper_44-A_Novel_Hybrid_Quicksort_Algorithm_Vectorized).pdf
A Parallel Page Cache- IOPS and Caching for Multicore Systems.pdf
A Pattern Language - Alexander.pdf
A PlusCal User's Manual - C-Syntax Version 1.8 (31 Aug 2018).pdf
A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classification.pdf
A Practical Minimal Perfect Hashing Method (2005).pdf
A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence (
A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence - 2nd Edition.pdf
A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning (1504.00641v1).pdf
A Proposal for Hardware Assisted Arithmetic Overflow Detection - 2010 - Slides (Mihocka-Troeger-CGO-WISH-2010_final).pdf
A Proposal for Hardware Assisted Arithmetic Overflow Detection for Array and Bitfield Operations (LazyOverflowDetect_Final).pdf
A Quick Guide To LaTeX.pdf
A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks - E.F. Codd (1970).pdf
A Reliable Randomized Algorithm for the Closest-Pair Problem - 1997 (CP-11.4.1997).pdf
A Scalable Concurrent malloc Implementation for FreeBSD (jemalloc).pdf
A Scalable Lock-free Stack Algorithm (2004).pdf
A Scalable and Explicit Event Delivery Mechanism for UNIX.pdf
A Sense of Self for Unix Processes - 1996 (ieee-sp-96-unix).pdf
A Seven-Dimensional Analysis of Hashing Methods and its Implications on Query Processing - 2015 (p249-richter).pdf
A Study of Wheat and Chaff in Source Code (1502.01410v1).pdf
A Survey of Rollback-Recovery Protocols in Message-Passing Systems (
A Systematic Evaluation of Transient Execution Attacks and Defenses - 15th May 2019 (1811.05441).pdf
A Theoretical Framework for Back-Propagation (2001).pdf
A Tool for the Symbolic Execution of Linux Binaries - PySymemu (Slides).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - All (2011).docx
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - All (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - All (Short Version).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - All Huge (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Index (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 1 - Introduction - The Software Stack (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 10 - Geometry Shaders (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 11 - Stream-Out (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 12 - Tessellation (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 13 - Compute Shaders (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 2 - GPU Memory Architecture and the Command Processor (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 3 - 3D Pipeline Overview, Vertex Processing (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 4 - Texture Samplers (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 5 - Primitive Assembly, Clip and Cull, Projection, and Viewport Transform (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 6 - (Triangle) Rasterization and Setup (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 7 - Z Stencil Processing, 3 Different Ways.pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 8 - Pixel Processing (Fork Phase) (2011).pdf
A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline - Part 9 - Pixel Processing (Join Phase) (2011).pdf
A Truly Concurrent Semantics for the K Framework Based on Graph Transformations - Slides (serbanuta-rosu-2012-icgt-slides).pdf
A Tunable Compression Framework for Bitmap Indices (Guzun_ICDE_2014).pdf
A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning - 12th Dec 2016 (bayopt).pdf
A Universal Approximation Theorem of Deep Neural-Networks for Expressing Probability Distributions.pdf
A Versatile Graph Structure for Edge-Oriented Graph Algorithms - 1987 (Ebert1987AVD).pdf
A Very Fast Substring Search Algorithm - 1999 (p132-sunday).pdf
A Wavelet Tree Based FM-Index for Biological Sequences in SeqAn (January 30, 2012).pdf
A Way Forward in Parallelising Dynamic Languages (PyPy Position Paper).pdf
A comparison of SPDY and HTTP performance - Microsoft Research (2012).pdf
A comprehensive study of Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types.pdf
A study of code abstraction (Patrick Lambert - Oct 15th, 2014).pdf
ACPI 6.3 Final (30 Jan 2019).pdf
AMD - AMD64 Archictecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 4 - 128-bit and 256-bit Media Instructions - Rev 3.23 - Feb 2019 (26568).pdf
AMD - AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 1 - Application Programming - Rev 3.22 - Dec 2017 (24592).pdf
AMD - AMD64 Programmer's Manual - Volume 2 - System Programming - Rev 3.30 - Sept 2018 (24593).pdf
AMD - AMD64 Programmer's Manual - Volume 3 - General Purpose and System Instructions - Rev 3.26 - May 2018 (24594).pdf
AMD - BIOS and Kernel Developer's Guide (BKDG) for AMD Family 15h Models 70h-7Fh Processors - Rev 3.09 - June 20th, 2018 (55072).pdf
AMD - GCN3 Instruction Set Architecture - Graphics Core Next Architecture, Generation 3 (Revision 1.0, March 2015).pdf
AMD - Open-Source Register Reference for AMD Family 17h Processors - Models 00h-2Fh - Rev 3.03 July 2018 (56255_3_03).PDF
AMD - Preliminary Processor Programming Reference (PPR) for AMD Family 17h Models 00h-0Fh Processors - Rev 1.14 - April 15th, 2017 (54945).pdf
AMD - Software Optimization Guide for AMD Family 15h Processors - Rev 3.08 - Jan 2014 (47414_15h_sw_opt_guide).pdf
AMD - System Programming (24593).pdf
AMD64 - Software Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors (25112, r3.06, Sep-2005).PDF
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 1 - Application Programming (24592, r3.21, Oct-2013).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 2 - System Programming (24593, r3.24, Oct-2013).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 2 - System Programming (24593, r3.25, Jun-2015).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 3 - General-Purpose and System Instructions (24594, r3.21, Oct-2013).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 3 - General-Purpose and System Instructions (24594, r3.22, Jun-2015).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 3 - General-Purpose and System Instructions (24594, r3.25, Dec-2017).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 4 - 128-Bit and 256-Bit Media Instructions (26568, r3.18, Oct-2013).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 4 - 128-Bit and 256-Bit Media Instructions (26568, r3.19, Jun-2015).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 5 - 64-Bit Media and x87 Floating-point Instructions (26569, r3.12, Mar-2012).pdf
AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual - Volume 5 - 64-Bit Media and x87 Floating-point Instructions (26569, r3.13, May-2013).pdf
ARIES - A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging (1992).pdf
ARM - Instruction Set Quick Reference Card (QRC0001_UAL.)pdf.pdf
ASLR on the Line - Practical Cache Attacks on the MMU - 2017 (anc_ndss17).pdf
ATOM - A System for Building Customized Program Analysis Tools - 1994.pdf
Abstract Algebra - 2016 (aata-20160809-sage-7.3).pdf
Abstract Rendering - Out-of-core Rendering for Information Visualization (2014).pdf
Abusing Mach on Mac OS X - May, 2006 (uninformed_v4a3).pdf
Accelerating Network Receive Processing - Intel IO Acceleration Technology (ols2005v1-pages-289-296).pdf
Achieving Full-Motion Video on the Nintnedo 64 -GDM (September 2000).pdf
Adam - A Method for Stochastic Optimization (1412.6980v9).pdf
Adaptive Insertion Policies for High Performance Caching (ISCA-2007-Qureshi-SetDuelingControl).pdf
Adaptive Ray Packet Reordering - 2008 (reorder_rt08).pdf
Adaptive String Dictionary Compression in In-Memory Column-Store Database Systems (2014).pdf
Adding Lock Elision to Linux - Slides (2012).pdf
AddressSanitizer - A Fast Address Sanity Checker (atc12-final39).pdf
Advanced Bloom Filter Based Algorithms for Efficient Approximate Data De-Duplication in Streams - 17th Dec 2012 (1212.3964v1).pdf
Advanced Data Structures - MIT 6.851 (2012).pdf
Advanced Topics in CUDA - Slides (2011).pdf
Advances in Cloud-Scale Machine Learning for Cyber-Defense - Russinovich 2017 (exp-t11-advances-in-cloud-scale-machine-learning-for-cyber-defense).pdf
Advances in Memory Management for Windows - October 12, 2007 (136_MemMgt).pdf
Adversarial Reprogramming of Neural Networks (1806.11146v2).pdf
Affinity Accept - Improving Network Connection Locality on Multicore Systems.pdf
Agner Fog - C++ vector class library (2013).pdf
Agner Fog - C++ vector class library v2 (2019).pdf
Agner Fog - Calling Conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems (2013-09-04).pdf
Agner Fog - Calling Conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems (2017-05-01).pdf
Agner Fog - Instruction Tables (2013-04-03).pdf
Agner Fog - Instruction Tables (2018-04-09).pdf
Agner Fog - Instruction Tables (2018-04-09).xlsx
Agner Fog - Microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA CPUs - An optimization guide for assembly programmers and compiler makers (2013-09-04).pdf
Agner Fog - Microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA CPUs - An optimization guide for assembly programmers and compiler makers (2018-04-09).pdf
Agner Fog - Optimizing Software in C++ (2014-08-07).pdf
Agner Fog - Optimizing Software in C++ (2017-05-02).pdf
Agner Fog - Optimizing Subroutines in Assembly Language - An optimization guide to x86 platforms (2013-09-28).pdf
Agner Fog - Optimizing Subroutines in Assembly Language - An optimization guide to x86 platforms (2017-05-01).pdf
Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning - 2019 (math-deep).pdf
Algorithms for Random 3-SAT.pdf
Algorithms for Routing Lookups and Packet Classification - PhD Thesis (Pankaj Gupta, 2000).pdf
Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland - A Primer on Designing Neural Networks - Volume 1 - A Tour of the Land (May 13, 2024).pdf
Allocation Removal by Partial Evaluation in a Tracing JIT - 2010 (bolz-allocation-removal).pdf
Almost Random Graphs with Simple Hash Functions - Slides (2007).pdf
Alpha AXP Architecture - 1992 (vol4num4art1).pdf
Alternating Coding and its Decoder Architectures for Unary-Prefixed Codes - PhD Thesis, Shang Xue (2005).pdf
An Adaptive Hash Join Algorithm for Multiuser Environments - 1990 (P186).pdf
An Approach for Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Very Large Databases (tr06).pdf
An Elegant Algorithm for the Construction of Suffix Arrays (2014).pdf
An Evaluation of Network Stack Parallelization Strategies in Modern Operating Systems.pdf
An Experimental Exploration of Marsaglia's Xorshift Generators, Scrambled - 13 Oct 2016 (1402.6246).pdf
An Exploration of Using the Intel AVX2 Gather Load Instructions for Vectorised Image Processing - 2018 (190046503).pdf
An In-Depth Analysis of Disassembly on Full-Scale x86-x64 Binaries - 2016 (sec16_paper_andriesse).pdf
An Informal Analysis of Perfect Hash Function Search (1989).pdf
An Introduction To Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISLR Seventh Printing).pdf
An Introduction To Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISLR Sixth Printing).pdf
An Introduction to CUDA-OpenCL and Graphics Processors (CS267-GPUs-2014).pptx
An Introduction to Computational Networks and the Computational Network Toolkit - Microsoft (CNTKBook-20160121).pdf
An NUMA API for Linux - Andi Kleen, Aug 2004.pdf
An Object-Oriented Random-Number Package with Many Long Streams and Substreams - 2000 (streams4).pdf
An Optimal Algorithm for Generating Minimal Perfect Hash Functions - 1992 (
An Overview of Linux Kernel Locking Improvements (August 2014).pdf
An Overview of the Singularity Project (tr-2005-135).pdf
Analysing the Performance of GPU Hash Tables for State Space Exploration - 2017 (1712.09494).pdf
Analysis of B-tree Data Structure and its Usage in Computer Forensics (484192.B-tree).pdf
Analysis of GS protections in Microsoft Windows Vistal - Symantec.pdf
Analyzing Contextual Bias of Program Execution on Modern CPUs (Lars Kirkholt Melhus, NTNU, June 2013).pdf
Analyzing Dynamic Hypergraphs with Parallel Aggregated Ordered Hypergraph Visualization - 2021 (Paohvis).pdf
Analyzing GPGPU Pipeline Latency - Poster - 2014 (poster_andresch_acaces2014).pdf
Analyzing General Purpose Computing Performance on GPU - Thesis (2015).pdf
Analyzing Runtime and Size Complexity of Integer Programs - Microsoft Research (2016).pdf
Analyzing your game performance using Event Tracing for Windows.pdf
Anatomy of High-Performance Matrix Multiplication - 2008 (gotoPaper).pdf
Answering Reachability Queries on Large Directed Graphs - INF-SCR-10-10 (September, 2010).pdf
Anti-Debugging Reference - Peter Ferrie (4 May 2011).pdf
Apache Parquet - Open, Standard, Efficient Columnar Storage - Antoine Pitrou - Slides (2024).pdf
Applications of Finite Automata Representing Large Vocabularies - 1993 (
Applications of Finite Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography.pdf
Applying the Proactor Pattern to High-Performance Web Servers.pdf
Approximate Hypergraph Partitioning and Applications (2007).pdf
Architectural Support for SWAR Text Processing with Parallel Bit Streams - The Inductive Doubling Principle - 2009 (p337-cameron).pdf
Architecture of a Database System - 2007 (fntdb07-architecture).pdf
Array Layouts for Comparison-based Searching (March 14, 2017).pdf
Array Layouts for Comparison-based Searching (September, 2015).pdf
Array programming with NumPy - Nature - 2020 (s41586-020-2649-2).pdf
Art Of Intel x86 Assembly.pdf
As If Summoned from the Void - The Life of Alexandre Grothendieck (fea-grothendieck-part2).pdf
Asim - A Performance Model Framework (2002.02.computer.asim).pdf
AsmDB - Understanding and Mitigating Front-End Stalls in Warehouse-Scale Computers (2019).pdf
Aspects Related to Data Access and Transfer in CUDA - Slides - 2014 (TR-2014-09).pdf
Aspects Related to Data Access and Transfer in CUDA - Slides - 2014 (TR-2014-09).pptx
Assembly Language for Beginners (AL4B-EN).pdf
Assessing the Relationship between Software Assertions and Code Quality - An Empirical Investigation (tr-2006-54).pdf
Assessment of Windows Vista Kernel-Mode Security - Matthew Conover (Symantec).pdf
Asynchronous Teams - Cooperation Schemes for Autonomous Agents.pdf
Attacking the Windows Kernel - 2007.pdf
Attention Is All You Need - 2017 (1706.03762).pdf
AutoML - A Survey of State-of-the-Art (1908.00709v6).pdf
AutoML - Chapter 01 - Hyperparameter Optimization (2018).pdf
Automated Instruction Stream Throughput Prediction for Intel and AMD Microarchitectures - 2018 (1809.00912).pdf
Automatic Self-Allocating Threads on an SGI Challenge (
Automatically Proving Termination and Memory Safety for Programs with Pointer Arithmetic - Microsoft Research (2016).pdf
Intel - Avoiding AVX-SSE Transition Penalties (11MC12_Avoiding_2BAVX-SSE_2BTransition_2BPenalties_2Brh_2Bfinal).pdf
B-trees, Shadowing, and Clones (2007).pdf
BERT - Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding (2018).pdf
BGP in 2013 (and a bit of 2014) - Slides (156-2014-05-12-bgp2013).pdf
BIOS and Kernel Developer's Guide for AMD Athlon 64 and AMD Opteron Processors - r3.30 Feb 2006.pdf
BLAKE2 - Simpler, Smaller, Fast as MD5 (2013-01-29).pdf
BPF - In-memory Virtual Machine (bpf_collabsummit_2015feb20).pdf
Background, Motivation, and a Retrospective View of the BLAS (Lawson_BLAS).pdf
Backward Search FM-Index (Full-text Index in a Minute Space) - Slides.pdf
Backward Search FM-Index (Full-text Index in a Minute Space) - Slides.ppt
Balanced Families of Perfect Hash Functions and Their Applications - 2007.pdf
Bash Redirections - Cheat Sheet.pdf
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage - BLAS (1979).pdf
Basic Performance Measurements of the Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module - 2019 (1903.05714v3).pdf
Basics of Compiler Design - Anniversary Edition.pdf
Batch Normalization - Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift (1502.03167v3).pdf
Battle of SKM and IUM - How Windows 10 Rewrites OS Architecture - Alex Ionescu - 2015 (blackhat2015).pdf
Bayesian Data Analysis - Third Edition (13th Feb 2020).pdf
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning (181115).pdf
BeOS - CS-450-1 - Operating Systems, Fall 2003.doc
Benchmarking a B-tree Compression Method.pdf
Benefits of IO Acceleration Technology in Clusters.pdf
Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics for Oracle 12c (June 2013).pdf
Best Practices for Vectorization - Getting Ready for Intel AVX-512 (2015).pdf
Better Bitmap Performance with Roaring Bitmaps (2014).pdf
Better Performance at Lower Occupancy - Slides - 2010 (volkov10-GTC).pdf
Better with Fewer Bits - Improving the Performance of Cardinality Estimation of Large Data Streams (INFOCOM2017).pdf
Beyond Block IO - Rethinking Traditional Storage Primitives (ouyangx-hpca2011).pdf
Beyond Block IO - Rethinking Traditional Storage Primitives (ouyangx-hpca2011-slides).pdf
Biased Reference Counting - Minimizing Atomic Operations in Garbage Collection - 2018 (3243176.3243195).pdf
Big Data - New Tricks for Econometrics.pdf
BigQuery Technical Whitepaper - Google.pdf
Binarized Neural Networks- Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1 - 2016 (1602.02830v3).pdf
Binary Coding (2017).pdf
Binary Combinatorial Coding (2003).pdf
Binary Search Tree with SIMD Bandwidth Optimizations Using SSE (Preso06-SIMDTree).pdf
Bipartite ShockHash - Pruning ShockHash Search for Efficient Perfect Hashing - 2023 (2310.14959).pdf
Bit Operations (Ray Seyfarth 2011).pdf
BitPath - Label Order Constrained Reachability Queries over Large Graphs - 1203.2886 (13th March, 2012).pdf
Bitcoin - A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.pdf
Bitmap Graphs SIGGRAPH84 Course Notes (pike84bitblt).pdf
Bitmap Index Design Choices and Their Performance Implications (LBNL-62756).pdf
Bitmap Index Design and Evaluation - 1998 (P355).pdf
Bitmap Indexing and Related Techniques - Slides.pdf
Bitmap Indices for Data Warehouses.pdf
Blackout - What Really Happened - Slides (2007).pdf
Blade - A Data Center Garbage Collector - 2015 (1504.02578).pdf
Blogel - A Block-Centric Framework for Distributed Computation on Real-World Graphs (2014).pdf
Boosting Vector Calculus with the Graphical Notation - 3 Nov 2019 (1911.00892).pdf
Bounds Checking on the GPU - Futhark (hlpp20).pdf
Branch Prediction and the Performance of Interpreters - Don't Trust the Folklore - 2013 (RR-8405).pdf
Branch Prediction with Neural Networks - Hidden layers and Recurrent Connections.pdf
Branch and Data Herding - Reducing Control and Memory Divergence for Error-tolerant GPU Applications (tmm12_preprint).pdf
Brief Calculus - Benjamin Crowell - Nov 10th, 2015.pdf
Bringing SIMD-128 to JavaScript (TC-39).pdf
Broadword Implementation of Parenthesis Queries.pdf
Broadword Implementation of Rank-Select Queries (Nov 19, 2014).pdf
Brook for GPUs - Stream Computing on Graphics Hardware - Paper.pdf
Brook for GPUs - Stream Computing on Graphics Hardware - Slides (2004).pdf
Bugs as Deviant Behavior - A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code - ACM - 2001 (deviant-sosp-01).pdf
Build Systems a la Carte - 2018 (build-systems-5ab0f42d0f937).pdf
Building R Packages - An Introduction.pdf
Building a Bw-Tree Takes More Than Just Buzz Words - 2018 (mod342-wangA).pdf
Bumper Sticker Computer Science.pdf
Burrows-Wheeler Transform and FM Index - Slides (Ben Langmead, Johns Hopkins).pdf
Bypass Control Flow Guard Comprehensively - Slides (2015).pdf
C Cheat Sheet (ashlyn-black_c-reference).pdf
C++ Standard - 2012-01-16 - Working Draft (N3337).pdf
C++14 - Working Draft (N3797).pdf
C++17 Language Features Reference Card (2019).pdf
C++20 Reference Card - 29th Jan 2020.pdf
CAF - The C++ Actor Framework for Scalable and Resource-efficient Applications - ACM 2014 (ageresplash2014_submission_5).pdf
CASEVision - ClearCase Administration Guide (007-1774-020).pdf
CK-12 Probability and Statistics Advanced - Second Edition.pdf
CORFU - A Shared Log Design for Flash Clusters.pdf
COZ - Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling - 2015 (090-curtsinger).pdf
COZ - Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling - 2015 (UM-CS-2015-008).pdf
COZ - Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling - Slides (2015).pdf
CPU Caches - Slides (2017).pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 1 - Advanced GPU Programming (Intro).pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 10 - CUDA Part 1 - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 11 - CUDA Part 2 - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 2 - Modern OpenGL - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 3 - GLSL Programming - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 4 - Noise Functions - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 6 - Image Samplers and Atomic Operations - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 7 - Fluids - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 8 - Materials and BRDFs - Slides.pdf
CS195V Brown - Week 9 - GPU Architecture and Other Shading Languages - Slides.pdf
CUDA - CSE 591 - GPU Programming - Using CUDA in Practice (Slides).pdf
CUDA Streams - Best Practices and Common Pitfalls - Slides (2012).pdf
CUDA - Cooperative Groups - GTC 2017 (s7622-Kyrylo-perelygin-robust-and-scalable-cuda).pdf
CUDA - Lecture 4 - Warp Shuffles, and Reduction and Scan Operations (Oxford).pdf
CUDA - Quick Reference.pdf
CUDA Asynchronous Memory Usage and Execution (cuda_05_ykhung).pdf
CUDA Best Practices (Slides).pdf
CUDA C Programming Guide v12.1 (Feb 28 2023).pdf
CUDA C Programming Guide v8.0 - Design Guide - September, 2016 (PG-02829-001_v8.0).pdf
CUDA C and C++ Streams and Concurrency - NVIDIA - Slides.pdf
CUDA Debugging with Command Line Tools - 2014 (S4578).pdf
CUDA GDB - Release 12.1 (Feb 28, 2023).pdf
CUDA GDB - Release 12.3 (Oct 17, 2023).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 06 - Managed Memory (2020).pdf
CUDA Math API (January 2022).pdf
CUDA Optimizations - Slides (April 2016).pdf
CUDA Shuffle - Tips and Tricks (GTC 2013).pdf
CUDA Thread Basics - Slides (2011).pdf
CUDA Thread-Indexing Cheatsheet.pdf
CUDA Threads - GPU Architecture and Programming - NYU CSCI-GA.3033-012 (2012).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 01 - Introduction to CUDA C++ (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 02 - CUDA Shared Memory (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 03 - Fundamental CUDA Optimization - Part 1 (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 04 - Fundamental CUDA Optimization - Part 2 (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 05 - Atomics, Reductions, and Warp Shuffle (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 07 - CUDA Concurrency (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 08 - GPU Performance Analysis.pdf
CUDA Training Series - 09 - Cooperative Groups (2020).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 10 - CUDA Multithreading with Streams (2021).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 11 - CUDA Multi-Process Service (2021).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 12 - CUDA Debugging (2021).pdf
CUDA Training Series - 13 - CUDA Graphs (2021).pdf
CUDA Training Series - All (2020-2021).pdf
CUDA Unified Memory - GPGPU - Slides (2015).pdf
CUDAsmith - A Fuzzer for CUDA Compilers (TR-2020-05).pdf
Cache Aware Bi-tier Task-stealing in Multi-socket Multi-core Architecture (icpp11).pdf
Cache Organization and Memory Management of the Intel Nehalem Computer Architecture.pdf
Cache and IO Efficient Algorithms.pdf
Cache, Hash and Space-Efficient Bloom Filters.pdf
Cache-Aware Lock-Free Queues for Multiple Producers-Consumers and Weak Memory Consistency.pdf
Cache-Oblivious Algorithms and Data Structures (Demaine, 2002).pdf
Cache-Oblivious Peeling of Random Hypergraphs - 2nd Dec 2013 (1312.0526).pdf
Cache-Oblivious Streaming B-trees.pdf
Calculus By and For Young People Worksheets.pdf
Calculus Made Easy.pdf
Calculus Refresher, Version 2008.4 (Paul Garrett).pdf
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