以技术为导向的 PDF 集合,大量论文、规格说明、幻灯片、手册技术等资料
02-16 11:14
一个以技术为导向的 PDF 集合,包含了大量的技术文献,如论文、规格说明、幻灯片、手册等。这个项目旨在为开发者、研究人员以及技术爱好者提供一个高质量的文档资源库,帮助用户更方便地获取最新的技术资料和参考资料。
Dynamic Storage Allocation - A Survey and Critical Review.pdf
Dynamic Storage Allocation - Survey and Critical Review.pdf
EIT - The Internal Extent Formula for Compacted Tries.pdf
ELF Format.pdf
ELF Handling for Thread-Local Storage - Ulrich Drepper (2005).pdf
EMOGI - Efficient Memory-access for Out-of-memory Graph-traversal in GPUs (p114-min).pdf
ESET - A Machine-Learning Method to Explore the UEFI Landscape (Sept 2019).pdf
Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams (bquant).pdf
Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Image Analysis (978-3-86644-786-8_PDFA).pdf
Efficient Computation of Binomial Coefficients Using Splay Trees - 2016 (10.11648.j.ijdst.20160201.14).pdf
Efficient Estimation of Mutual Information for Strongly Dependent Variables (gao15).pdf
Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space - 7th Sep 2013 (1301.3781).pdf
Efficient Exploitation of Parallelism on Pentium III and Pentium 4 Processor-Based Systems - 2001 (art_6).pdf
Efficient Hash Probes on Modern Processors (icde2007).pdf
Efficient Hashing using the AES Instruction Set (69170507).pdf
Efficient Hashing with Lookups in two Memory Accesses - 2018 (0407023v1).pdf
Efficient IO with io_uring.pdf
Efficient Implementation of Lazy Suffix Trees (gie-kur-sto-2003).pdf
Efficient Implementation of Reductions on GPU Architectures (2017).pdf
Efficient Implementation of Sorting on Multicore SIMD CPU Architecture - Slides - VLDB 2008 (9-29-15).pdf
Efficient Implementation of Sorting on Multicore SIMD CPU Architecture - VLDB 2008 (1454171).pdf
Efficient Lightweight Compression Algorithm Alongside Fast Scans (damon15).pdf
Efficient Lossless Compression of Trees and Graphs.pdf
Efficient Parallel Graph Exploration on Multi-Core CPU and GPU - 2011 (pact11-hong).pdf
Efficient Processing of Window Functions in Analytical SQL Queries - 2015 (p1058-leis).pdf
Efficient String Matching - An Aid to Bibliographic Search - Aho-Corasick (1975).pdf
Efficient Virtual Memory for Big Memory Servers (isca13_direct_segment).pdf
Efficiently Compiling Efficient Query Plans for Modern Hardware - 2011 (p539-neumann).pdf
Egocentrism Over E-Mail - Can We Communicate as Well as We Think (krugeretal05).pdf
Elementary Calculus - An Infinitesimal Approach (keislercalc-03-07-17).pdf
Elevated - Function 2009.pdf
Eliminating Global Interpreter Locks in Ruby through Hardware Transactional Memory (PPoPP2014_RubyGILHTM).pdf
Empirical Study of the Anatomy of Modern SAT Solvers (2010).pdf
Encyclopedia of Controller Fundamentals and Features - Firmware Version 3.2 to 8.0 (8_0_775041-01C).pdf
Engineering Better Software at Microsoft - Jason Yang, Slides - 30th Nov 2011 (25-sal).pdf
Enhancing Comprehension and Navigation in Jupyter Notebooks with Static Analysis - 2023 (2301.04419).pdf
Enhancing Server Availability and Security Through Failure-Oblivious Computing - 2004 (rinard).pdf
Errors of Probability in Historical Context - Gorroochurn (2011).pdf
Establishing a Base of Trust with Performance Counters for Enterprise Workloads - 2015 (atc15-paper-nowak).pdf
Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles (entropy-21-00939-v2).pdf
Estoteric Hooks - Alex Ionescu - Slides (2015).pdf
Evaluation of Contemporary Graph Databases for Efficient Persistence of Large-Scale Models.pdf
Evaluation of Parallel Design Patterns for Message Processing Systems on Embedded Multicore Systems.pdf
Evaluation of Rolling Sphere Method Using Leader Potential Concept - A Case Study - 2006 (IT P501-124).pdf
Event Source User Guide.docx
Event Source User Guide.pdf
EventSource Activities Specification (2016).docx
EventSource Activities Specification (2016).pdf
Everything We Know About CRC But Afraid To Forget (3rd September, 2010).pdf
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Synchronization but Were Afraid to Ask (p33-david).pdf
Exact Minimum Degree Thresholds for Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs (2012).pdf
Experiences Porting Real Time Signal Processing Pipeline CUDA Kernels to Kepler and Windows 8 - Slides - 2014 (S4148-rt-signal-processing-pipeline-cuda-kernels-kepler-win8).pdf
Experiences in the Land of Virtual Abstractions - Slides - 2014 (VEE14-present601).pdf
Expert programmers have fine-tuned cortical representations of source code (2020.01.28.923953v1.full).pdf
Explaining AdaBoost.pdf
Exploiting Coarse-Grain Speculative Parallelism.pdf
Exploiting Deferred Destruction - An Analysis of Read-Copy-Update Techniques in Operating System Kernels (RCUdissertation.2004.07.14e1).pdf
Exploiting Parallelism Opportunities with Deep Learning Frameworks (1908.04705v2).pdf
Exploiting SIMD for Complex Numerical Predicates - 2015 (HardBD16_3).pdf
Exploration by Random Network Distillation (1810.12894v1).pdf
Exploring Control Flow Guard in Windows 10 - Trend Micro.pdf
Exploring PLSQL New Features Best Practices - OOW 2013 Aharonovich.pdf
Exponential Golomb and Rice Error Correction Codes for Generalized Near-Capacity Joint Source and Channel Coding (ExpgECRiceEC).pdf
Extending Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 and above using Oracle Application Express (345780).pdf
Extending Python for High-performance Data-Parallel Programming (March 24, 2014).pdf
External Perfect Hashing for Very Large Key Sets - 2007 (cikm07).pdf
Extra 300 - Pilot's Operating Handbook (20th Sept, 2009).pdf
FAST - Fast Architecture Sensitive Tree Search on Modern CPUs and GPUs - Slides.pdf
FAST - Fast Architecture Sensitive Tree Search on Modern CPUs and GPUs.pdf
FASTHash - FPGA-Based High Througput Parallel Hash Table (978-3-030-50743-5_Chapter_1).pdf
FERRARI - Flexible and Efficient Reachability Range Assignment for Graph Indexing.pdf
FLASHRELATE - Extracting Relational Data from Semi-Structured Spreadsheets Using Examples (Microsoft Research - April 2014).pdf
FPGA Acceleration by Dynamically-Loaded Hardware Libraries - 2016 (tr16_03_Nannarelli_A).pdf
Faliure-Atomic msync() - A Simple and Efficient Mechanism for Preserving the Integrity of Durable Data.pdf
Fallout - Reading Kernel Writes From User Space - 29th May 2019 (1905.12701).pdf
Fast Bit Compression and Expansion with Parallel Extract and Parallel Deposit Instructions - 2006 (hilewitz06).pdf
Fast Bit Gather, Bit Scatter and Bit Permutation Instructions for Commodity Microprocessors - 2008 (Hilewitz_JSPS_08).pdf
Fast CRC Computation for Generic Polynomials Using PCLMULQDQ Instruction - Intel (December, 2009).pdf
Fast Databases with Fast Durability and Recovery Through Multicore Parallelism (osdi14-paper-zheng_wenting).pdf
Fast Deterministic Selection - Andrei Alexandrescu - June 2016 (1606.00484v1).pdf
Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian - 1993 (nc-hessian).pdf
Fast Keyed Hash and Pseudo-Random Function using SIMD Multiply and Permute - 20 Nov 2016 (1612.06257v2).pdf
Fast Multiple String Matching Using Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology - 2013 (psc13p08_presentation).pdf
Fast Multiplication in Binary Fields on GPUs via Register Cache (ics16gpufft).pdf
Fast Packed String Matching for Short Patterns - 2012 (1209.6449).pdf
Fast Parallel GPU-Sorting Using a Hybrid Sort.pdf
Fast Parallel Suffix Array on the GPU.pdf
Fast Prefix Search in Little Space, with Applications.pdf
Fast Quicksort Implementation Using AVX Instructions - 2015 (
Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions - 22 Mar 2016, v2 (1603.04330).pdf
Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions.pdf
Fast Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing.pdf
Fast Sort on CPUs, GPUs and Intel MIC Architectures - Technical Report - Intel Labs (intel-labs-radix-sort-mic-report).pdf
Fast Sorted-Set Intersection using SIMD Instructions (p1-SCHLEGEL).pdf
Fast Sorting Algorithms using AVX-512 on Intel Knights Landing - 24 Apr 2017 (1704.08579).pdf
Fast Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators (oopsla14).pdf
Fast String Correction with Levenshtein-Automata (2002) (
Fast Succinct Retrieval and Approximate Membership using Ribbon - 2019 (2109.01892).pdf
Fast and Furious - Outrunning Windeows Kernel Notification Routines from User-Mode (2020).pdf
Fast and Scalable Minimal Perfect Hashing for Massive Key Sets - 2017 (1702.03154).pdf
Fast and Space Efficient Trie Searches - Phil Bagwell - ACM.pdf
FastBDT - A speed-optimized and cache-friendly implementation of stochastic gradient-boosted decision trees for multivariate classification - 2016 (1609.06119v1).pdf
Faster 64-bit Universal Hashing using Carry-less Multiplication - 2015 (1503.03465).pdf
Faster Base64 Encoding and Decoding Using AVX2 Instructions v4 (2018) (1704.00605).pdf
Faster Methods for Random Sampling - 1984 (Vit84.sampling).pdf
Faster Population Counts using AVX2 Instructions (1611.07612v1).pdf
Featherweight Threads for Communication - 2011 (parasites_tech11).pdf
Fibers Under The Magnifying Glass - 2018 (p1364r0).pdf
Fibre Channel Fundamentals.pdf
Fibre Channel Reference Card.pdf
Filter Manager - Windows.pdf
Filter Manager - Windows.ppt
Filter Representation in Vectorized Query Execution (ngom-damon2021).pdf
Finance - Salomon Smith Barney Introductory Guide to Equity Options (1998).pdf
Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams - PLVDB - 2008.pdf
Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams.pdf
Finding Minimal Perfect Hash Functions - 1986 (
Finding Similar Items.pdf
Finding Small Balanced Separators (2006).pdf
Finding Structure in Time (1990).pdf
FlashAttention - Fast and Memory-Efficient Exact Attention with IO-Awareness (2205.14135v2).pdf
FlashAttention-2 - Faster Attention with Better Parallelism and Work Partitioning (2307.08691v1).pdf
FlashAttention-2 - Faster Attention with Better Parallelism and Work Partitioning.pdf
FlashAttention-3 - Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision.pdf
Flush+Reload - A High-Resolution, Low-Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack (2014).pdf
Folding and Unfolding - Erik D. Demaine - Ph.D Thesis 2001 (eddemaine2001).pdf
Foreign Library Interface.pdf
Foundations of Data Science (June, 2016).pdf
Foundations of Data Science.pdf
Foundations of Databases.pdf
Fractal Prefetching B+ Trees - Optimizing Both Cache and Disk Performance.pdf
Framework for Instruction-level Tracing and Analysis of Program Executions (2006).pdf
Free Launch - Optimizing GPU Dynamic Kernel Launches through Thread Reuse (2015).pdf
From Numerical Cosmology to Efficient Bit Abstractions for the Standard Library - Vincent Reverdy - CppCon 2016.pdf
Fully Concurrent Garbage Collection of Actors on Many-Core Machines - 2013 (opsla237-clebsch).pdf
Fundamentals of COM(+) - Part 1 - Slides - Don Box.pdf
Fundamentals of Calculs - Crowell et al - 2016.pdf
Fundamentals of Deep Learning of Representations - 2014 (Tel-Aviv-7nov2014).pdf
Fundamentals of Learning (2015).pdf
Further Scramblings of Marsaglia's Xorshift Generators - 23 May 2016 (1404.0390).pdf
Futexes Are Tricky - Ulrich Depper (2005).pdf
Futexes Are Tricky - Ulrich Drepper (2011).pdf
GDB Cheat Sheet.pdf
GDB Quick Reference.pdf
GPERF - A Perfect Hash Function Generator.pdf
GPT-4 System Card.pdf
GPT-4 Technical Report.pdf
GPU Control Flow and Synchronization - Slides.pdf
GPU Optimization Fundamentals.pdf
GPU Programming Basics - Slides.pdf
GPU Random Numbers via the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (2010).pdf
GPU-ArraySort - A parallel, in-place algorithm for sorting large number of arrays (2016).pdf
GPUDirect Storage - Slides (sc1922).pdf
GPUDriver - Data-driven, multi-agent driving simulation at 1 million FPS (2408.01584v1).pdf
GRIM - Leveraging GPUs for Kernel Integrity Monitoring.pdf
GTC 2010 (Part 1) - High Productivity Development.pdf
GTC 2010 (Part 2) - Thrust By Example.pdf
GTC 2017 - Parallel Depth First on GPU - Slides (s7469-maxim-naumov-parallel-depth-first-on-gpu).pdf
Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) (1606.08415v5).pdf
Gazing Beyond Reflection - CppCon2024 - Deck.pdf
General Analysis of Maxima and Minima in Constrained Optimization Problems.pdf
General Incremental Sliding-Window Aggregation (p702-tangwongsan).pdf
General-Purpose Graphics Processor Architecture (2018).pdf
Generalized Golomb Codes and Adaptive Coding of Wavelet-Transformed Image Subbands (August 15th, 2003).pdf
Generalized Histogram Algorithms for CUDA GPUs - Slides - 2012 (histogram_para2012).pdf
Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks (1308.0850v5).pdf
Generating Text with Recurrent Neural Networks - 2011 (524_icmlpaper).pdf
Getting Physical - Extreme Abuse of Intel-based Paging Systems - Slides - 2016 (CSW2016_Economou-Nissim_GettingPhysical).pdf
Getting Started with CUDA (2008).pdf
Getting Started with Software Tracing in Windows Drivers (WinHEC 2005 - April 18, 2005).pdf
Git Magic.pdf
Git from the Bottom Up.pdf
Go 1.5 Concurrent Garbage Collector Pacing.pdf
Goals Gone Wild - The Systematic Side Effects of Over-Prescribing Goal Setting - Harvard Business School (09-083).pdf
Google C++ Style Guide.pdf
Google's Neural Machine Translation System - Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation - 2016 (1609.08144v1).pdf
Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition (Lecun98).pdf
Grand Central Dispatch - FreeBSD Dev Summit (18 Sep 2009).pdf
Graph Coloring Methods (2024).pdf
Graph Theoretic Obstacles to Perfect Hashing - 1994 (TR0257).pdf
Graph Theory (2005).pdf
Graph-Based Algorithms for Boolean Function Manipulation - 1986 (BDD_ieeetc86).pdf
GraphBLAS Mathmatics - Provisional Release 1.0 - Jeremy Kepner (26th April, 2017).pdf
Graphs, Hypergraphs and Hashing (1994).pdf
Guide to Automatic Vectorization with Intel AVX-512 Instructions in Knights Landing Processors - Bonan Zhang - Colfax International, 2016 (Colfax_KNL_AVX512_Guide).pdf
Gunrock - A Fast and Programmable Multi-GPU Graph Processing Library - Slides - 2015 (SC5139).pdf
Gunrock - A Fast and Programmable Multi-GPU Graph Processing Library - Slides - 2016 (S6374).pdf
Gunrock - A High-Performance Graph Processing Library on the GPU - 2016.pdf
H2O - The Opytimized HTTP Server (Kazuho Oku, 2014).pdf
HARE - Hardware Acceleration for Regular Expressions - 2016 (micro16).pdf
HASHI - An Application-Specific Instruction Set Extension for Hashing - 2014 (adms14_arnold).pdf
HAT-trie - A Cache-conscious Trie-based Data Structure for Strings - 2007 (CRPITV62Askitis).pdf
HDF5 - Taming Parallel IO Complexity with Auto-Tuning (P4091-0713_2).pdf
HELIX-RC - An Architecture-Compiler Co-Design for Automatic Parallelization of Irregular Programs (campanoni14-isca).pdf
HTTP as the Narrow Waist of the Future Internet.pdf
Hardware Acceleration for Memory-to-Memory Copies - January 13, 2017 (EECS-2017-2).pdf
Hardware Breakpoint (or watchpoint) usage in Linux Kernel (ols2009-pages-149-158).pdf
Hardware Transactional Memory on Haswell.pdf
Hardware is the new software (baumann-hotos17).pdf
Hardware-Aware Optimization- Using Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions - Slides (2010).pdf
Harnessing Intel Processor Trace on Windows for Vulnerability Discovery - D1T1 - Richard Johnson - Slides (2017).pdf
Hash Functions for GPU Rendering - 2020 (Jarzynski2020Hash).pdf
Hash Tables - Jeff Erickson (2014).pdf
Hash and Displace - Efficient Evaluation of Minimum Perfect Hash Functions - 1999 (
Hash, Displace, and Compress (esa09).pdf
Hashcash - A Denial of Service Counter-Measure (1st August, 2002).pdf
Haskell vs. F# vs. Scala - A High-Level Language Features and Parallelism Support Comparison (fhpc12).pdf
Haswell Block Diagram.pdf
Heapy - A Memory Profiler and Debugger for Python - 2006 (heapy-thesis).pdf
Heracles- Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale (2015.heracles.isca).pdf
HexRaysCodeXplorer - Making Object-Oriented RE Easier - Slides (2013).pdf
HexRaysCodeXplorer - Making Object-Oriented RE Easier - Slides (2014).pdf
Hidden Markov Model.pdf
High Performance Construction of RecSplit Based Minimal Perfect Hash Functions -19 Dec 2022 (2212.09562).pdf
High Performance Histograms on SIMT and SIMD Architectures - M.E.R. Berger, Master's Thesis (2015).pdf
High Performance IO with NUMA Systems in Linux.pdf
High Speed Hashing for Integers and Strings - 2022 (1504.06804).pdf
High Throughput Heavy Hitter Aggregation for Modern SIMD Processors (damon13).pdf
High-performance Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Main-memory Databases (p298_per-akelarson_vldb2012).pdf
Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold (s41586-021-03819-2).pdf
Highway - Intro.pdf
Histograms - CUDA Handbook - Slides (2015).pdf
Hoard - A Scalable Memory Allocator for Multithreaded Applications (berger-asplos2000).pdf
How Does a GPU Shader Work (2018).pdf
How Microsoft Builds Software (1997).pdf
How Not To Measure Latency - Gil Tene - LL Summit NYC (12-Nov-2013).pdf
How To Code In HTML5 And CSS3 - Damian Wielgosik.pdf
How To Overcome the GIL Limitations (While Staying In Python Ecosphere) - Francesc Alted (2011).pdf
How To Write Fast Numerical Code - Slides (2011).pdf
How To Write Shared Libraries - v4.1.2 (Drepper, 2001).pdf
How TokuDB Fractal Tree Databases Work Presentation.pdf
How fast can we make interpreted Python - NYU (2012).pdf
How the VAX Lost Its POLY (and EMOD and ACB_floating too) (vax_poly).pdf
Intel - How to Benchmark Code Execution Times on Intel IA-32 and IA-64 Instruction Set Architectures (2010).pdf
How to Partition a Billion-Node Graph - Microsoft Research (2016).pdf
How to Read a Paper (Feb 17th 2016).pdf
How to Test 10G Ethernet - WhitePaper - Spirent (March, 2012).pdf
How to Write Fast Code - SIMD Vectorization - CMU - 2008 - Slides (slides-18-645-simd).pdf
How to miscompile programs with benign data races (Boehm).pdf
How to use Event Tracing for Windows for Performance Analysis.pdf
How to use Event Tracing for Windows for Performance Analysis.ppt
Huffman Coding - Slides (2012).pdf
HyperANF - Approximating the Neighbourhood Function of Very Large Graphs on a Budget (2011).pdf
HyperLogLog - The Analysis of a Near-Optimal Cardinality Estimation Algorithm (914-3045-2-PB).pdf
HyperNetX - A Python Package for Modeling Complex Network Data as Hypergraphs (10.21105.joss.06016).pdf
Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars.pdf
Hypergraph Algorithms and Applications - CS6824 - Slides (January 22, 2014).pdf
Hypergraph-Based Anomaly Detection in Very Large Networks - 2007 (silva_willett_tpami07).pdf
Hypergraphs - Algorithms, Implementations, and Applications - Poster (2015).pdf
Hypergraphx - A Library for Higher-Order Network Analysis (2303.15356v1).pdf
Hyperparameter Optimization using Hyperopt - Slides (2016).pdf
I Got 99 Problems But a Kernel Pointer Ain't One - Recon 2013 - Slides - Alex Ionescu.pdf
IBM DB2 for i - Indexing Methods and Strategies.pdf
IBM Fibre Channel Basic Storage Area Network (SAN) Configuration Setup Guide.pdf
IDA Plug-in Writing in C-C++ - Version 1.1 - Steve Micallef (2009).pdf
IDF 2012 NVM Express and the PCI Express SSD Revolution.pdf
IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation.pdf
IMP - Indirect Memory Prefetcher - MIT (2015).pdf
IO is Faster Than the CPU - Let's Partition Resources and Eliminate (Most) OS Abstractions (parakernel-hotos19).pdf
IRON File Systems (iron-sosp05).pdf
IcebergHT - High Performance PMEM Hash Tables Through Stability and Low Associativity (2210.04068).pdf
Ideal Hash Trees - Phil Bagwell - ACM.pdf
Idle Connection Resiliency.docx
Image and Video Processing - Binary Encoding and Quantization (2016).pdf
Implementation Techniques for Main Memory Database Systems - 1984 (971697.602261).pdf
Implementation of a Vectorized Quicksort in AVX-512.pdf
Implementing Algebraic Effects in C, or, Monads for Free in C - 2017 (algeff-in-c-tr-v2).pdf
Implementing Sorting in Databases (2006).pdf
Improved Bounds For Covering Complete Uniform Hypergraphs - (April 3rd, 2007).pdf
Improved Division by Invariant Integers.pdf
Improved Fast Similarity Search in Dictionaries - 2010 (1008.1191v2).pdf
Improvement of Fitch function for Maximum Parsimony in Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Intel AVX2 Assembler Instructions - 24 June 2013 (TR20130624-1).pdf
Improving Automated Analysis of Windows x64 Binaries - Uninformed v4a1 (April 2006).pdf
Improving Compiler Optimization with Machine Learning (2014_Kulkarni_Sameer_PhD).pdf
Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training (2018).pdf
Improving Python's Memory Allocator - Evan Jones (2005).pdf
Improving Real-Time Performance with CUDA Persistent Threads (CuPer) on the Jetson TX2 - Concurrent Real-Time White Paper (2016).pdf
Improving the speed of neural networks on CPUs (37631).pdf
In-memory Columnar Store for PostgreSQL (322_IMCS).pdf
InK-Compact- In-Kernel Stream Compaction and Its Application to Multi-Kernel Data Visualization on General-Purpose GPUs - 2013.pdf
Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata and Transducers.pdf
Index Compression - Slides (2011).pdf
Index Compression - Slides.pdf
Index Internals - Rebuilding the Truth.pdf
Index Search Algorithms for Databases and Modern CPUs - Florian Gloss (Nov 2010).pdf
Induced subgraphs of hypercubes and a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture (2019).pdf
Infinite-Alphabet Prefix Codes Optimal for Beta-Exponential Penalties (
Information Retrieval - Compression, Encoding - Slides - Cornell (2013).pdf
Information Theory for Intelligent People (2018).pdf
Initial End-to-End Performance Evaluation of 10-Gigabit Ethernet - 2003 (hoti03).pdf
Inline Function Expansion for Compiling C Programs - 1989 (p246-chang).pdf
Inside IO Completion Ports_files
Inside IOCP.pdf
Inside The Deal That Made Bill Gates 350,000,000 (1986).pdf
Inside the Python GIL - Dave Beazley (2009).pdf
Instant Loading for Main Memory Databases - VLDB - 2013, Vol 6, No 14 (p1702-muehlbauer).pdf
Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding - 2022 (mueller2022instant).pdf
Instruction Matrix.pdf
Integer Encoding - Chapter 9 (2013).pdf
Intel - A Novel Hashing Method Suitable for Lookup Functions (February 2012).pdf
Intel - Advanced Vector Extensions (319433-014).pdf
Intel - Advanced Vector Extensions 10 (AVX10) - (356368-intel-avx10-tech-paper).pdf
Intel - Improving Real-Time Performance by Utilizing Cache Allocation Technology - Whitepaper (April 2015).pdf
Intel - Flexible Return and Event Delivery (2023).pdf
Intel - Mitigations for Jump Conditional Code Erratum - Revision 1.0 (Nov 2019).pdf
Intel - PMU Sharing Guidelines (30388).pdf
Intel - Unleash the Power of AVX-512 through Architecture, Compiler and Code Modernization - Slides - September 2012 (2016-PACT-Intel-AVX512-Tutorial-v3.0).pdf
Intel - _vectorcall and __regcall Demystified.pdf
Intel 5th Generation Processor Family - Specification Update - Revision 029 - July 2017 (330836-029).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - April 2018 (248966-040).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - April 2019 (248966-041).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - December 2017 (248966-039).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - June 2016 (248966-033).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - May 2020 (248966-043).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual - Sept 2014 (248966-030).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Performance Monitoring Events - Revision 1.0 - December 2017 (335279-001).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-3 - June 2016 (325462-059US).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-3 - Sept 2014 (325462-052US).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-4 - December 2017 (325462-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-4 - June 2021 (325462-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-4 - May 2018 (325462-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-4 - May 2019 (325462-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Combined Volumes 1-4 - October 2019 (325462-071US-sdm-vol-1-2abcd-3abcd).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Documentation Changes - June 2016 (252046-051).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Documentation Changes - May 2019 (252046-062).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Volume 2A - Instruction Set Reference, A-L - June 2016 (253666-059US).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Volume 2B - Instruction Set Reference, M-U - June 2016 (253667-059US).pdf
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual V3 - Sept 2014 (325384-052US).pdf
Intel AVX-512 - Permuting Data within and Between AVX Registers - Technology Guide (1668169807).pdf
Intel AVX-512 Architecture - Poster - 2013 (Demikhovsky-Poster).pdf
Intel AVX-512 Instructions and Their Use in the Implementation of Math Functions - Slides (s1-cornea).pdf
Intel Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) New Instructions Set.pdf
Intel Advanced Vector Extensions, 2015-2016, Support in GNU C Compiler Collection, GNU Tools Cauldron 2014 (Cauldron14_AVX-512_Vector_ISA_Kirill_Yukhin_20140711).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference - January 2018 (319433-032).pdf
Intel Architecture - Instruction Set Extensions and Future Features - Programming Reference - March 2020 (319433-038).pdf
Intel Architecture - Instruction Set Extensions and Future Features - Programming Reference - May 2019 (319433-037).pdf
Intel Architecture Code Analyzer - User's Guide - v3.0 (2017).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference (319433-015).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference (319433-017).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference - April 2017 (319433-029).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference - Feb 2016 (319433-024).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference - Oct 2014 (319433-022).pdf
Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference - Sep 2016 (319433-025).pdf
Intel Carry-Less Multiplication Instruction and its Usage for Computing the GCM Mode - Revision 2.0 (323640-001, May 2010).pdf
Intel Compiler Features + Performance Tips - Slides (2015) (IntelCompilerNERSC.201505013).pdf
Intel Compiler Optimization and Building for KNL - Slides (2016).pdf
Intel Ethernet Controller 82571EB, 82572EI, 82571GB, 82571GI - Specification Update - Rev 6.8 Nov 2014.pdf
Intel IO Acceleration Technology (IOAT) Overview.pdf
Intel IO Acceleration Technology Overview (2006).pdf
Intel IO Acceleration Technology Overview.pdf
Intel Multimedia Instructions (MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSE4) - Slides.pdf
Intel PCI Express Ethernet Networking - White Paper - Sept 2005.pdf
Intel Pro-1000 PT Quad Port Bypass Server Adapter.pdf
Intel Pro-1000 PT Quad Port LP Server Adapter - Product Brief.pdf
Intel SIMD - Austronomy and Space Science - Slides (DIFX_2014-SIMD).pdf
Intel SIMD Architecture - Yung-Yu - UCONN (2007).pdf
Intel Technical Journal - MMX (1997-vol01-iss-3-intel-technology-journal).pdf
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Introduction to Computer Theory - Cohen (1990).pdf
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Introduction to Machine Learning - CMU-10701 - Deep Learning - Slides (Spring 2014).pdf
Introduction to Mathematics for Game Development - James Cowley (June 23, 2016).pdf
Introduction to Parallel Architectures - Josep Torrellas - CS533 (2012).pdf
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Introduction to the Pin Instrumentation Tool - Slides (27 Mar 2013).pdf
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Investigation of Hardware Transactional Memory - 2015 (Andrew-Nguyen-Thesis).pdf
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Lecture Notes on AVL Trees - March 2011 (18-avl).pdf
Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra (2015).pdf
Less Hashing, Same Performance - Building a Better Bloom Filter - 2008 (
Let your GPU do the Heavy Lifting in your Data Warehouse - Slides - 2013 (S3190-GPU-Heavy-Lifting-Data-Warehouse).pdf
Leveraging Compression in In-Memory Databases - 2012 (dbkda_2012_6_20_30160).pdf
LightGBM - A Highly-Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (2017).pdf
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Linear Algebra - Jim Hefferon - 4th Ed.pdf
Linear Algebra Abridged - Sheldon Axler (13th March, 2016).pdf
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Linear Road - A Stream Data Management Benchmark (2004).pdf
Linked List Problems - Stanford (2002).pdf
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Linux Kernel Architecture for Device Drivers (Thomas Petazzoni).pdf
Linux Productivity Tools - Slides - 2019 (lisa19_maheshwari).pdf
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Lockless Programming - GDC 2009 - Slides (Bruce Dawson).pdf
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Lonestar- A Suite of Parallel Irregular Programs (ispass2009).pdf
Long Gaps Between Primes - 2016 (1412.5029).pdf
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Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description (1411.4389v3).pdf
Longest Common Extension with Recompression - 16th Nov 2016 (1611.05359).pdf
Loop Independence, Compiler Vectorization and Threading of Loops (SSE and AVX) - Intel - Slides.pdf
Lossless Compression in Lossy Compression Systems - Stanford, EE398A - Slides (01-EntropyLosslessCoding).pdf
Lossless Source Coding (03_Lossless-Coding-WS12).pdf
Lower Bound Techniques for Data Structures.pdf
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